Mass media influence on changing healthy lifestyle of community people during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional survey MN Islam, ARMT Islam, MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan, MH Chowdhury, ... Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 33 (5), 617-619, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Gender difference of social media sites usage and its effects on academic performance among university students in Bangladesh M Hossain, T Prodhan European Modern Studies Journal 4 (5), 121-130, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Exploring the knowledge of social media platforms among higher education institute students’ of Rangpur, Bangladesh MTR Prodhan, MN Islam, MS Hossain Age 18 (20), 33, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
A systematic review of the nexus between climate change and social media: present status, trends, and future challenges BC Sultana, MTR Prodhan, E Alam, MS Sohel, ABMM Bari, SC Pal, ... Frontiers in Communication 9, 1301400, 2024 | 5 | 2024 |
Analyze the usage of social media and its effects on tertiary level students' social life S Hossain, N Islam, TR Prodhan Current Res. J. Soc. Sci. & Human. 3, 140, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Determination of Salmonella in egg shell and egg content in some selected areas of Bangladesh S Akter, Z Ferdowshi, MN Islam, MAM Prodhan, MYE Chowdhury International Journal of Natural Sciences 5 (2), 66-72, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Spreading Fake Content via Social-Media among Tertiary Level Students in Rangpur, Bangladesh MA Islam, MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan, MAB Siddique Journal of Media Culture and Communication, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Spreading Fake News in the Virtual Realm in Bangladesh: Assessment of Impact SUSMTR Prodhan Global Journal of Human-Social Science 20 (17), 11-25, 2020 | 1* | 2020 |
Mass Media Influence on Changing lifestyle of Community People During COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Survey I ARMT, MN Islam, MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan, MH Chowdhury, ... | | 2020 |
Mass Media Influence on Changing lifestyle of Community People During COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Survey ARMT Islam, MN Islam, MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan, MH Chowdhury, ... | | 2020 |
Behavioral Change Pattern of Youths through Cyberbullying in Social Media: A Study among University Students in Rangpur MA Islam, MN Islam, MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan, MR Ali | | |
ISSN 2522-9400 European Modern Studies Journal Vol 4 No 5 MS Hossain, MTR Prodhan | | |
Coverage of Environmental Issues in Local Newspaper: an Analysis on Two Dailies of Rangpur, Bangladesh MS Hossain | | |