Teresa Vaz
Teresa Vaz
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ campus.ul.pt
The cooling effect of green spaces as a contribution to the mitigation of urban heat: A case study in Lisbon
S Oliveira, H Andrade, T Vaz
Building and environment 46 (11), 2186-2194, 2011
Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art
JL Zêzere, T Vaz, S Pereira, SC Oliveira, R Marques, RAC Garcia
Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (6), 2917-2936, 2015
Regional rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence using a centenary database
T Vaz, JL Zêzere, S Pereira, SC Oliveira, RAC Garcia, I Quaresma
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (4), 1037-1054, 2018
Uma reflexão a propósito do risco
M Queirós, T Vaz, P Palma
Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Disponível em:(http://www. ceg. ul …, 2006
Landslides and other geomorphologic and hydrologic effects induced by earthquakes in Portugal
T Vaz, JL Zêzere
Natural Hazards 81 (1), 71-98, 2016
Perception of thermal comfort by users of urban green areas in Lisbon
S Oliveira, T Vaz, H Andrade
Finisterra 49 (98), 2014
Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art. Environ Earth Sci 73: 2917–2936
JL Zêzere, T Vaz, S Pereira, SC Oliveira, R Marques, RAC Garcia
Contribuição para o estudo dos movimentos de vertente desencadeados por eventos sísmicos em Portugal Continental
TG Vaz
Landslide susceptibility assessment using different rainfall event-based landslide inventories: advantages and limitations
SC Oliveira, JL Zêzere, RAC Garcia, S Pereira, T Vaz, R Melo
Natural Hazards, 1-39, 2024
Inundações urbanas: o caso das ruas de Stª. Marta, S. José e Portas de Stº Antão (Lisboa)
A Soares, B Pereira, C Santos, C Ramos, P Oliveira, T Vaz
X Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, 1, 2005
Construction of a National Landslide Susceptibility Map for Portugal
JL Zêzere, S Cruz Oliveira, S Pereira, RAC Garcia, R Melo, T Vaz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4541, 2018
Movimentos de vertente desencadeados pela precipitação em Portugal continental
T Vaz
The Urban Geomorphological Landscape of Lisbon
T Vaz, JL Zêzere
Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal, 295-303, 2020
Movimientos de ladera inducidos por terremotos en la Peninsula Ibérica.
J Delgado, FSF Marques, TG Vaz, E Sanz Pérez
Centre Internacional de Métodes Numérics en Enginyeria (CIMNE) 3, 1266-1283, 2013
Movimientos de ladera inducidos por terremotos en España y Portugal
J Delgado, FSF Marques, T Vaz
Cuaternario y geomorfología 3 (27), 21-35, 2013
Landslides induced by seismic events in Portugal mainland: identification and characterization
T Vaz, J Zêzere
Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, 2011
On the physical vulnerability of buildings exposed to landslide hazards in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
A Cardoso, S Pereira, TM Ferreira, JL Zêzere, R Melo, T Vaz, SC Oliveira, ...
Multi-risk Interactions Towards Resilient and Sustainable Cities, 117-144, 2023
Estudo do Risco Sísmico e Tsunamis no Algarve (ERSTA). Aspectos Metodológicos da Determinação das Vulnerabilidades Humanas
J Rodriguez, M Queirós, EB Henriques, P Palma, T Vaz
Lisboa, VI Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa, 2007
Physical vulnerability of buildings to rainfall-and earthquake-induced landslides in the Lisbon metropolitan area
A Cardoso, S Pereira, TM Ferreira, RAC Garcia, JL Zêzere, R Melo, T Vaz, ...
18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), 2024
Incerteza associada à avaliação de suscetibilidade a movimentos de vertente desencadeados por diferentes condições críticas de precipitação
SC Oliveira, R Melo, RAC Garcia, S Pereira, T Vaz, P Santos, JL Zêzere
Desafios societais: a perspectiva da geografia: livro de resumos/XVIII …, 2024
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