Stephen Intille
Stephen Intille
Professor of Computer Sciences and Health Sciences, Northeastern University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ neu.edu - หน้าแรก
Activity recognition from user-annotated acceleration data
L Bao, SS Intille
International conference on pervasive computing, 1-17, 2004
Activity recognition in the home using simple and ubiquitous sensors
EM Tapia, SS Intille, K Larson
International conference on pervasive computing, 158-175, 2004
Large occlusion stereo
AF Bobick, SS Intille
International Journal of Computer Vision 33, 181-200, 1999
Real-time recognition of physical activities and their intensities using wireless accelerometers and a heart rate monitor
EM Tapia, SS Intille, W Haskell, K Larson, J Wright, A King, R Friedman
2007 11th IEEE international symposium on wearable computers, 37-40, 2007
Designing a home of the future
SS Intille
IEEE pervasive computing 1 (2), 76-82, 2002
Technologies for an aging society: a systematic review of “smart home” applications
G Demiris, BK Hensel
Yearbook of medical informatics 17 (01), 33-40, 2008
Health and the mobile phone
K Patrick, WG Griswold, F Raab, SS Intille
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 35 (2), 177-181, 2008
A long-term evaluation of sensing modalities for activity recognition
B Logan, J Healey, M Philipose, EM Tapia, S Intille
International conference on Ubiquitous computing, 483-500, 2007
The KidsRoom: A perceptually-based interactive and immersive story environment
AF Bobick, SS Intille, JW Davis, F Baird, CS Pinhanez, LW Campbell, ...
Presence 8 (4), 369-393, 1999
Using context-aware computing to reduce the perceived burden of interruptions from mobile devices
J Ho, SS Intille
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2005
Activity recognition using a single accelerometer placed at the wrist or ankle
A Mannini, SS Intille, M Rosenberger, AM Sabatini, W Haskell
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 45 (11), 2193, 2013
Using a live-in laboratory for ubiquitous computing research
SS Intille, K Larson, EM Tapia, JS Beaudin, P Kaushik, J Nawyn, ...
Pervasive Computing: 4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006, Dublin …, 2006
Real-time closed-world tracking
SS Intille, JW Davis, AF Bobick
Proceedings of IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and …, 1997
Estimating activity and sedentary behavior from an accelerometer on the hip or wrist
ME Rosenberger, WL Haskell, F Albinali, S Mota, J Nawyn, S Intille
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 45 (5), 964, 2013
A living laboratory for the design and evaluation of ubiquitous computing technologies
SS Intille, K Larson, JS Beaudin, J Nawyn, EM Tapia, P Kaushik
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1941-1944, 2005
Disparity-space images and large occlusion stereo
SS Intille, AF Bobick
Computer Vision—ECCV'94: Third European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1994
A new research challenge: persuasive technology to motivate healthy aging
SS Intille
IEEE Transactions on information technology in Biomedicine 8 (3), 235-237, 2004
A context-aware experience sampling tool
SS Intille, J Rondoni, C Kukla, I Ancona, L Bao
CHI'03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 972-973, 2003
A framework for recognizing multi-agent action from visual evidence
SS Intille, AF Bobick
AAAI/IAAI 99 (518-525), 2, 1999
Recognizing planned, multiperson action
SS Intille, AF Bobick
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 81 (3), 414-445, 2001
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