Dr Barbara Fasolo
Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences
PM Todd, L Penke, B Fasolo, AP Lenton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (38), 15011-15016, 2007
“A 30% chance of rain tomorrow”: How does the public understand probabilistic weather forecasts?
G Gigerenzer, R Hertwig, E Van Den Broek, B Fasolo, KV Katsikopoulos
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (3), 623-629, 2005
Decision technology
W Edwards, B Fasolo
Annual review of psychology 52 (1), 581-606, 2001
Escaping the tyranny of choice: When fewer attributes make choice easier
B Fasolo, GH McClelland, PM Todd
Marketing theory 7 (1), 13-26, 2007
How self-assessments can guide human mating decisions
L Penke, PM Todd, AP Lenton, B Fasolo
Mating intelligence, 63-102, 2007
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eight European countries: Prevalence, determinants, and heterogeneity
JI Steinert, H Sternberg, H Prince, B Fasolo, MM Galizzi, T Büthe, ...
Science advances 8 (17), eabm9825, 2022
The effect of choice complexity on perception of time spent choosing: When choice takes longer but feels shorter
B Fasolo, FA Carmeci, R Misuraca
Psychology & Marketing 26 (3), 213-228, 2009
Size, entropy, and density: What is the difference that makes the difference between small and large real‐world assortments?
B Fasolo, R Hertwig, M Huber, M Ludwig
Psychology & Marketing 26 (3), 254-279, 2009
Behavioural decision theory for multi-criteria decision analysis: a guided tour
A Morton, B Fasolo
Journal of the operational research society 60 (2), 268-275, 2009
New tools for decision analysts
KV Katsikopoulos, B Fasolo
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2006
Structuring decision problems: A case study and reflections for practitioners
D Von Winterfeldt, B Fasolo
European Journal of Operational Research 199 (3), 857-866, 2009
“Shopping” for a mate: Expected versus experienced preferences in online mate choice
AP Lenton, B Fasolo, PM Todd
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 51 (2), 169-182, 2008
Helping patients choose: how to improve the design of comparative scorecards of hospital quality
B Fasolo, E Reutskaja, A Dixon, T Boyce
Patient education and counseling 78 (3), 344-349, 2010
Tailoring value elicitation to decision makers' numeracy and fluency: Expressing value judgments in numbers or words
B Fasolo, CAB e Costa
Omega 44, 83-90, 2014
Is quantitative benefit–risk modelling of drugs desirable or possible?
LD Phillips, B Fasolo, N Zafiropoulos, A Beyer
Drug discovery today: technologies 8 (1), e3-e10, 2011
Heterogeneity in banker culture and its influence on dishonesty
Z Rahwan, E Yoeli, B Fasolo
Nature 575 (7782), 345-349, 2019
Maximizing versus satisficing in the digital age: Disjoint scales and the case for “construct consensus”
R Misuraca, B Fasolo
Personality and Individual Differences 121, 152-160, 2018
Animation attracts: The attraction effect in an on‐line shopping environment
B Fasolo, R Misuraca, GH McClelland, M Cardaci
Psychology & Marketing 23 (10), 799-811, 2006
Choosing a high-quality hospital: the role of nudges, scorecard design and information
T Boyce, A Dixon, B Fasolo, E Reutskaja
King’s Fund (London, England), 2010
The Effect of Site Design and Interattribute Correlations on Interactive Web-Based Decisions.
B Fasolo, GH McClelland, KA Lange
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2005
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