Daniel Chu
Daniel Chu
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ usc.edu
Is cannabis use associated with less opioid use among people who inject drugs?
AH Kral, L Wenger, SP Novak, D Chu, KF Corsi, D Coffa, B Shapiro, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 153, 236-241, 2015
Factors associated with being asked to initiate someone into injection drug use
RN Bluthenthal, L Wenger, D Chu, J Lorvick, B Quinn, JP Thing, AH Kral
Drug and alcohol dependence 149, 252-258, 2015
Drug use generations and patterns of injection drug use: Birth cohort differences among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California
RN Bluthenthal, L Wenger, D Chu, P Bourgois, AH Kral
Drug and alcohol dependence 175, 210-218, 2017
Initiation of heroin and prescription opioid pain relievers by birth cohort
SP Novak, R Bluthenthal, L Wenger, D Chu, AH Kral
American journal of public health 106 (2), 298-300, 2016
Momentary affect, stress coping, and food intake in mother–child dyads.
TB Mason, SG O'Connor, SM Schembre, J Huh, D Chu, GF Dunton
Health Psychology 38 (3), 238, 2019
Characteristics of people who initiate injection drug use later in life
S Arreola, RN Bluthenthal, L Wenger, D Chu, J Thing, AH Kral
Drug and alcohol dependence 138, 244-250, 2014
Food insecurity among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco
J Schmitz, AH Kral, D Chu, LD Wenger, RN Bluthenthal
Public health nutrition 19 (12), 2204-2212, 2016
Syringe disposal among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles: the role of sterile syringe source
B Quinn, D Chu, L Wenger, RN Bluthenthal, AH Kral
International Journal of Drug Policy 25 (5), 905-910, 2014
Factors associated with initiating someone into illicit drug injection
RN Bluthenthal, L Wenger, D Chu, B Quinn, J Thing, AH Kral
Drug and Alcohol dependence 144, 186-192, 2014
Within-subject effects of environmental and social stressors on pre-and post-partum obesity-related biobehavioral responses in low-income Hispanic women: protocol of an …
SG O’Connor, R Habre, TM Bastain, CM Toledo-Corral, FD Gilliland, ...
BMC Public Health 19, 1-13, 2019
Intensive longitudinal data collection using microinteraction ecological momentary assessment: pilot and preliminary results
A Ponnada, S Wang, D Chu, B Do, G Dunton, S Intille
JMIR Formative Research 6 (2), e32772, 2022
Differences in time to injection onset by drug in California: Implications for the emerging heroin epidemic
RN Bluthenthal, D Chu, LD Wenger, P Bourgois, T Valente, AH Kral
Drug and alcohol dependence 185, 253-259, 2018
Time-activity and daily mobility patterns during pregnancy and early postpartum–evidence from the MADRES cohort
L Yi, Y Xu, SP Eckel, S O'Connor, J Cabison, M Rosales, D Chu, ...
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 41, 100502, 2022
Associations among affect, diet, and activity and binge-eating severity using ecological momentary assessment in a non-clinical sample of middle-aged fathers
TB Mason, B Do, D Chu, BR Belcher, GF Dunton, NV Lopez
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 1-9, 2022
Longitudinal associations between neighborhood park and open space access and children’s accelerometer-assessed measured physical activity: the evidence from the MATCH study
L Yi, TB Mason, CH Yang, D Chu, GF Dunton
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 18 (9), 1058-1066, 2021
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between non-school time physical activity, sedentary time, and adiposity among boys and girls: an isotemporal substitution approach
KL McAlister, J Zink, D Chu, BR Belcher, GF Dunton
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (9), 4671, 2021
Cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations of park coverage, greenness exposure and neighbourhood median household income with children's depressive and anxiety symptoms
CH Naya, L Yi, D Chu, GF Dunton, TB Mason
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 58 (4), 662-668, 2022
The ILHBN: challenges, opportunities, and solutions from harmonizing data under heterogeneous study designs, target populations, and measurement protocols
SM Chow, I Nahum-Shani, JT Baker, D Spruijt-Metz, NB Allen, ...
Translational Behavioral Medicine 13 (1), 7-16, 2023
Examining whether physical activity location choices were associated with weekly physical activity maintenance across 13 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in emerging adults
L Yi, SD Wang, D Chu, A Ponnada, SS Intille, GF Dunton
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 19 (6), 446-455, 2022
Longitudinal associations of maternal stress and child stress with child body mass index trajectory
GF Dunton, D Chu, CH Naya, BR Belcher, TB Mason
Pediatric Obesity 16 (3), e12724, 2021
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