Flat subduction dynamics and deformation of the South American plate: Insights from analog modeling N Espurt, F Funiciello, J Martinod, B Guillaume, V Regard, C Faccenna, ... Tectonics 27 (3), 2008 | 295 | 2008 |
Controls on weathering and provenance in the Amazonian foreland basin: Insights from major and trace element geochemistry of Neogene Amazonian sediments M Roddaz, J Viers, S Brusset, P Baby, C Boucayrand, G Hérail Chemical Geology 226 (1-2), 31-65, 2006 | 279 | 2006 |
Tectonic history of the Andes and sub-Andean zones: implications for the development of the Amazon drainage basin A Mora, P Baby, M Roddaz, M Parra, S Brusset, W Hermoza, N Espurt Amazonia, landscape and species evolution: a look into the past, 38-60, 2010 | 224 | 2010 |
How does the Nazca Ridge subduction influence the modern Amazonian foreland basin? N Espurt, P Baby, S Brusset, M Roddaz, W Hermoza, V Regard, ... Geology 35 (6), 515-518, 2007 | 224 | 2007 |
Cenozoic sedimentary evolution of the Amazonian foreland basin system M Roddaz, W Hermoza, A Mora, P Baby, M Parra, F Christophoul, ... Amazonia, landscape and species evolution: a look into the past 5, 61-88, 2010 | 174 | 2010 |
Sediment provenances and drainage evolution of the Neogene Amazonian foreland basin M Roddaz, J Viers, S Brusset, P Baby, G Hérail Earth and Planetary Science Letters 239 (1-2), 57-78, 2005 | 163 | 2005 |
Forebulge dynamics and environmental control in Western Amazonia: The case study of the Arch of Iquitos (Peru) M Roddaz, P Baby, S Brusset, W Hermoza, JM Darrozes Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 87-108, 2005 | 163 | 2005 |
The Huallaga foreland basin evolution: Thrust propagation in a deltaic environment, northern Peruvian Andes W Hermoza, S Brusset, P Baby, W Gil, M Roddaz, N Guerrero, R Bolaños Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19 (1), 21-34, 2005 | 154 | 2005 |
Miocene semidiurnal tidal rhythmites in Madre de Dios, Peru J Hovikoski, M Räsänen, M Gingras, M Roddaz, S Brusset, ... Geology 33 (3), 177-180, 2005 | 125 | 2005 |
The Nazca Ridge and uplift of the Fitzcarrald Arch: implications for regional geology in northern South America N Espurt, P Baby, S Brusset, M Roddaz, W Hermoza, J Barbarand Amazonia: Landscape and Species Evolution: A Look into the Past. Wiley …, 2010 | 113 | 2010 |
Controls on timing of exhumation and deformation in the northern Peruvian eastern Andean wedge as inferred from low‐temperature thermochronology and balanced cross section A Eude, M Roddaz, S Brichau, S Brusset, Y Calderon, P Baby, JC Soula Tectonics 34 (4), 715-730, 2015 | 107 | 2015 |
Life in proto‐Amazonia: Middle Miocene mammals from the Fitzcarrald Arch (Peruvian Amazonia) JV Tejada‐Lara, R Salas‐Gismondi, F Pujos, P Baby, M Benammi, ... Palaeontology 58 (2), 341-378, 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Deformation history of the southwestern Taiwan foreland thrust belt: insights from tectono-sedimentary analyses and balanced cross-sections F Mouthereau, O Lacombe, B Deffontaines, J Angelier, S Brusset Tectonophysics 333 (1-2), 293-322, 2001 | 96 | 2001 |
The middle Miocene (Laventan) Fitzcarrald fauna, Amazonian Peru PO Antoine, R Salas-Gismondi, P Baby, M Benammi, S Brusset, ... Cuadernos del Museo Geominero 8, 19-24, 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
Thrust-related, diapiric, and extensional doming in a frontal orogenic wedge: example of the Montagne Noire, Southern French Hercynian Belt JC Soula, P Debat, S Brusset, G Bessière, F Christophoul, J Déramond Journal of Structural Geology 23 (11), 1677-1699, 2001 | 62 | 2001 |
Paleozoic structural controls on shortening transfer in the Subandean foreland thrust system, Ene and southern Ucayali basins, Peru N Espurt, S Brusset, P Baby, W Hermoza, R Bolaños, D Uyen, ... Tectonics 27 (3), 2008 | 61 | 2008 |
A scenario for late Neogene Andean shortening transfer in the Camisea Subandean zone (Peru, 12 S): Implications for growth of the northern Andean Plateau N Espurt, J Barbarand, M Roddaz, S Brusset, P Baby, M Saillard, ... Bulletin 123 (9-10), 2050-2068, 2011 | 60 | 2011 |
Middle Miocene vertebrates from the Amazonian Madre de Dios subandean zone, Peru PO Antoine, M Roddaz, S Brichau, J Tejada-Lara, R Salas-Gismondi, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 42, 91-102, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
Foreland basin magmatism in the Western Moroccan Meseta and geodynamic inferences M Roddaz, S Brusset, JC Soula, D Béziat, M Ben Abbou, P Debat, ... Tectonics 21 (5), 7-1-7-23, 2002 | 58 | 2002 |
The Peruvian sub-Andean foreland basin system: Structural overview, geochronologic constraints, and unexplored plays P Baby, Y Calderón, S Brusset, M Roddaz, S Brichau, A Eude, G Calves, ... AAPG Special Volumes, 2018 | 56 | 2018 |