Claudia Dresti
Claudia Dresti
CNR IRSA - Verbania
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ irsa.cnr.it
Climatic effects on vertical mixing and deep-water oxygen content in the subalpine lakes in Italy
M Rogora, F Buzzi, C Dresti, B Leoni, F Lepori, R Mosello, M Patelli, ...
Hydrobiologia 824, 33-50, 2018
Relevance of inflows on the thermodynamic structure and on the modeling of a deep subalpine lake (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland)
A Fenocchi, M Rogora, S Sibilla, C Dresti
Limnologica 63, 42-56, 2017
Forecasting the evolution in the mixing regime of a deep subalpine lake under climate change scenarios through numerical modelling (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern …
A Fenocchi, M Rogora, S Sibilla, M Ciampittiello, C Dresti
Climate Dynamics 51, 3521-3536, 2018
Assessment of trends in extreme precipitation events: a case study in Piedmont (North-West Italy)
H Saidi, M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, G Ghiglieri
Water Resources Management 29, 63-80, 2015
Applicability of a one-dimensional coupled ecological-hydrodynamic numerical model to future projections in a very deep large lake (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern …
A Fenocchi, M Rogora, G Morabito, A Marchetto, S Sibilla, C Dresti
Ecological Modelling 392, 38-51, 2019
Quantifying impacts of climate variability and human activities on the streamflow of an Alpine river
H Saidi, C Dresti, D Manca, M Ciampittiello
Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 1-16, 2018
Semi-probabilistic design of rainwater tanks: A case study in Northern Italy
G Becciu, A Raimondi, C Dresti
Urban Water Journal 15 (3), 192-199, 2018
The climatic characteristics of extreme precipitations for short-term intervals in the watershed of Lake Maggiore
H Saidi, M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, G Ghiglieri
Theoretical and applied climatology 113, 1-15, 2013
Temporal changes in nutrients in a deep oligomictic lake: the role of external loads versus climate change
M Rogora, M Austoni, R Caroni, P Giacomotti, L Kamburska, A Marchetto, ...
J. Limnol 80 (3), 427-444, 2021
Observed variability and trends in extreme rainfall indices and Peaks-Over-Threshold series
H Saidi, M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, G Ghiglieri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (5), 6049-6079, 2013
Extreme rainfall events: evaluation with different instruments and measurement reliability
H Saidi, M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, L Turconi
Environmental earth sciences 72, 4607-4616, 2014
Water resource management through understanding of the water balance components: a case study of a sub-alpine shallow lake
M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, H Saidi
Water 13 (21), 3124, 2021
Model simulations of the ecological dynamics induced by climate and nutrient load changes for deep subalpine Lake Maggiore (Italy/Switzerland)
A Fenocchi, M Rogora, A Marchetto, S Sibilla, C Dresti
J. Limnol 79 (3), 221-237, 2020
The hydromorphological state in mountain rivers subject to human impacts: a case study in the North-West of Italy
C Dresti, G Becciu, H Saidi, M Ciampittiello
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-11, 2016
Hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a deep oligomictic lake under climate change
C Dresti, M Rogora, A Fenocchi
Aquatic Sciences 85 (1), 4, 2023
Climate projections in Lake Maggiore watershed using statistical downscaling model
H Saidi, C Dresti, D Manca, M Ciampittiello
Climate Research 81, 113-130, 2020
A review of assessment approaches for lake hydro-morphology before and after the European Water Framework Directive (WFD)
M Ciampittiello, C Dresti, H Saidi
Current World Environment 12 (3), 491, 2017
Meteo-hydrological sensors within the lake Maggiore catchment: System establishment, functioning and data validation
M Ciampittiello, D Manca, C Dresti, S Grisoni, A Lami, H Saidi
Sensors 21 (24), 8300, 2021
Urban flood risk management: Impact of combined strategies
F Raimondi, ML Marchioni, C Dresti, D Kian, S Mambretti, G Becciu
International Journal of Environmental Impacts 4 (3), 219-230, 2021
Landslides along the Lago Maggiore western coast (northern Italy): intense rainfall as trigger or concomitant cause?
M Ciampittiello, H Saidi, C Dresti, M Coluccino, L Turconi, WW Little, ...
Natural Hazards 107, 1225-1250, 2021
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