S M Anas
S M Anas
Ph.D., Researcher 🇮🇳, Department of Civil Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University)
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ st.jmi.ac.in - หน้าแรก
Experimental and numerical investigations on performance of reinforced concrete slabs under explosive-induced air-blast loading: A state-of-the-art review
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
Structures 31, 428-461, 2021
Air-blast and ground shockwave parameters, shallow underground blasting, on the ground and buried shallow underground blast-resistant shelters: A review
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
International Journal of Protective Structures, 2021
Damage response of conventionally reinforced two-way spanning concrete slab under eccentric impacting drop weight loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Shariq
Defence Technology 19, 12-34, 2023
Comparison of Existing Empirical Equations for Blast Peak Positive Overpressure from Spherical Free Air and Hemispherical Surface Bursts
SM Anas, M Alam
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2021
Performance of masonry heritage building under air-blast pressure without and with ground shock
SM Anas, MI Ansari, M Alam
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 21 (4), 329-344, 2020
Performance of one-way composite reinforced concrete slabs under explosive-induced blast loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 614 (1), 012094, 2020
Evaluation of critical damage location of contact blast on conventionally reinforced one-way square concrete slab applying CEL-FEM blast modeling technique
SM Anas, M Shariq, M Alam, M Umair
International Journal of Protective Structures, 2022
Performance of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Conventional and Polymer Re-bars Under Air-Blast Loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil …, 2021
Performance of on-ground double-roof RCC shelter with energy absorption layers under close-in air-blast loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021
A study on existing masonry heritage building to explosive-induced blast loading and its response
SM Anas, MI Ansari, M Alam
International Journal of Structural Engineering 11 (4), 387-412, 2021
Performance of axially loaded square RC columns with single/double confinement layer(s) and strengthened with C-FRP wrapping under close-in blast
SM Anas, M Shariq, M Alam
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
Performance of brick-filled reinforced concrete composite wall strengthened with C-FRP laminate(s) under blast loading
SM Anas, M Alam
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
Strengthening of braced unreinforced brick masonry wall with (i) C-FRP wrapping, and (ii) steel angle-strip system under blast loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
Effect of design strength parameters of conventional two-way singly reinforced concrete slab under concentric impact loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
Performance of simply supported concrete beams reinforced with high-strength polymer re-bars under blast-induced impulsive loading
SM Anas, M Alam
International Journal of Structural Engineering, 2021
Air-Blast Response of Free-Standing: (1) Unreinforced Brick Masonry Wall, (2) Cavity RC Wall, (3) RC Walls with (i) Bricks, (ii) Sand, in the cavity: A Macro-Modeling Approach
SM Anas, M Alam
In: Marano G.C., Ray Chaudhuri S., Unni Kartha G., Kavitha P.E., Prasad R …, 2021
Blast Performance of RCC Slab and Influence of Its Design Parameters
E Ahmadi, M Alam, SM Anas
In: Kolathayar S., Ghosh C., Adhikari B.R., Pal I., Mondal A. (eds …, 2021
Behavior of two-way RC slab with different reinforcement orientation layouts of tension steel under drop load impact
SM Anas, M Alam, M Shariq
Materials Today: Proceedings 87, 30-42, 2023
Out-of-plane Response of Clay Brick Unreinforced and Strengthened Masonry Walls Under Explosive-induced Air-blast Loading
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
In: Kolathayar S., Ghosh C., Adhikari B.R., Pal I., Mondal A. (eds …, 2021
Influence of Charge Locations on Close-in Air-blast Response of Pre-tensioned Concrete U-girder
SM Anas, M Alam, M Umair
In: Kolathayar S., Ghosh C., Adhikari B.R., Pal I., Mondal A. (eds …, 2021
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