Valentina Gava Chakr
Valentina Gava Chakr
Professor of Pediatrics, UFRGS
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ hcpa.ufrgs.br
Growth of lung parenchyma in infants and toddlers with chronic lung disease of infancy
JE Balinotti, VC Chakr, C Tiller, R Kimmel, C Coates, J Kisling, Z Yu, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 181 (10), 1093-1097, 2010
Respiratory viral coinfection and disease severity in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis
MC Scotta, VCBG Chakr, A de Moura, RG Becker, APD de Souza, ...
Journal of Clinical Virology 80, 45-56, 2016
Anti-arthritic effect and subacute toxicological evaluation of Baccharis genistelloides aqueous extract.
SKC Coelho MG, Reis PA, Gava VB, Marques PR, Gayer CR, Laranja GA, Felzenswalb I
Toxicology Letters 154 (1-2), 69-80, 2004
Atopy, cytokine production, and airway reactivity as predictors of pre‐school asthma and airway responsiveness
EE Sarria, R Mattiello, W Yao, V Chakr, CJ Tiller, J Kisling, R Tabbey, ...
Pediatric pulmonology 49 (2), 132-139, 2014
Performance of the quantification of adenosine deaminase and determination of the lactate dehydrogenase/adenosine deaminase ratio for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in …
JL Vieira, L Foschiera, ICS Ferreira, VCBG Chakr
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 47, 2021
Pneumologia: Série No Consultório
SSM Barreto
Artmed, 2009
Ventilation homogeneity improves with growth early in life
VC Chakr, CJ Llapur, EE Sarria, R Mattiello, J Kisling, C Tiller, R Kimmel, ...
Pediatric pulmonology 47 (4), 373-380, 2012
Stress management in Medicine
VCBG Chakr
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 67, 349-352, 2021
Análise descritiva dos pacientes com fibrose cística em acompanhamento na Unidade de Pneumologia Pediátrica de um hospital universitário em Porto Alegre-RS
V Chakr, ML Silveira, FM Vendrusculo, GT Leites, MVF Donadio, TF Paim, ...
Scientia Medica 16 (3), 103-108, 2006
Which should we fear more in preschoolers and infants: SARS-CoV-2 or respiratory syncytial virus?
VCBG Chakr
Postgraduate medical journal, 2021
Building up trust in the doctor-patient relationship
VCBG Chakr
Andes pediatrica: revista Chilena de pediatría. Santiago. Vol. 92, no. 3 …, 2021
Comparison of a direct immunofluorescence assay (Oxoid IMAGEN®) and a multiplex RT-PCR DNA microarray assay (CLART® PneumoVir) for the detection of respiratory viruses in …
ICS Ferreira, AP Alegretti, F De Paris, RM Paiva, VCBG Chakr
Journal of Virological Methods 284, 113930, 2020
Decreased pulmonary diffusing capacity in infants and toddlers born premature
J Balinotti, V Chakr, C Tiller, R Kimmel, C Coates, J Kisling, J Nguyen, ...
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179, A4128, 2009
Descriptive analysis of cystic fibrosis patients followed by the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of a university hospital in Porto Alegre-RS [Abstract in English]
VCBG Chakr, FM Vendrusculo, GT Leites, MVF Donadio, TF Paim, ...
Scientia Medica 16 (3), 103-108, 2006
Disfagia orofaríngea e complicações pneumológicas na infância
MS de Farias, PJC Maróstica, VCBG Chakr
Boletim Científico de Pediatria-Vol 6 (1), 2017
Case report of acquired pyroglutamic acidemia in a pediatric patient
AR Bischoff, AD Dornelles, AL Azevedo, VCBG Chakr
Clinical and biomedical research. Porto Alegre. Vol. 35, n. 3 (2015), p. 163-166, 2015
Uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent children
S Schafer, V Chakr, G Petitot
Desempenho da quantificação de adenosina desaminase e determinação da relação lactato desidrogenase/adenosina desaminase para o diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural em crianças e …
JL Vieira, L Foschiera, ICS Ferreira, VCBG Chakr
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 47, 2021
Pleural tuberculosis in children and adolescents: a difficult diagnosis?
M Lunelli, IC Ferreira, M Sarmento, V Chakr, G Fischer
Relato de caso: síndrome de Sturge-Weber
A Spiazzi, TL Castro, BF Spiazzi, CP Zingano, CG Carvalho, VCBG Chakr
Clinical and biomedical research. Porto Alegre, 2020
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