Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti
Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti
Associate Professor of Information Systems Management at University of Portsmouth, UK
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How perceived corporate social responsibility affects employee cynicism: the mediating role of organizational trust
CS Archimi, E Reynaud, HM Yasin, ZA Bhatti
Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4), 907-921, 2018
Future of e-Government: An integrated conceptual framework
S Malodia, A Dhir, M Mishra, ZA Bhatti
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 173, 121102, 2021
Top-Down Knowledge Hiding in Organizations: An Empirical Study of the Consequences of Supervisor Knowledge Hiding Among Local and Foreign Workers in the Middle East
GA Arain, ZA Bhatti, N Ashraf, YH Fang
Journal of Business Ethics, 2020
How digitalization supports a sustainable business model: A literature review
L Broccardo, A Zicari, F Jabeen, ZA Bhatti
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 187, 122146, 2023
An investigation of university student readiness towards m-learning using technology acceptance model
S Iqbal, Z Ahmed Bhatti
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 16 (4), 83-103, 2015
Top-down knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior (IWB): a three-way moderated-mediation analysis of self-efficacy and local/foreign status
GA Arain, ZA Bhatti, I Hameed, YH Fang
Journal of Knowledge Management 24 (2), 127-149, 2020
The impact of channel integration on consumers’ channel preferences: do showrooming and webrooming behaviors matter?
MAS Goraya, J Zhu, MS Akram, MA Shareef, A Malik, ZA Bhatti
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 102130, 2022
A qualitative exploration of teachers' perspective on smartphones usage in higher education in developing countries
S Iqbal, ZA Bhatti
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17 (29 …, 2020
What drives m-learning? An empirical investigation of university student perceptions in Pakistan
S Iqbal, ZA Bhatti
Higher Education Research & Development 36 (4), 730-746, 2017
How international SME's vicarious learning may improve their performance? The role of absorptive capacity, strength of ties with local SMEs, and their prior success experiences
I Ali, M Ali, MA Salam, ZA Bhatti, GA Arain, M Burhan
Industrial Marketing Management 88, 87-100, 2020
Constructive Voice Behavior for Social Change on Social Networking Sites: A Reflection of Moral Identity
ZA Bhatti, GA Arain, MS Akram, YH Fang, HM Yasin
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 157, 2020
Building brand loyalty and endorsement with brand pages: integration of the lens of affordance and customer-dominant logic
YH Fang, CY Li, ZA Bhatti
Information Technology & People, 2021
Examining the effects of enterprise social media on operational and social performance during environmental disruption
YK Dwivedi, MA Shareef, MS Akram, ZA Bhatti, NP Rana
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 175, 121364, 2022
A meta-analysis of the nomological network of knowledge hiding in organizations
GA Arain, ZA Bhatti, I Hameed, AK Khan, C Rudolph
Personnel Psychology, 2023
Exploring the Determinants of Digital Content Adoption By Academics: The Moderating Role of Environmental Concerns and Price Value
HI Rehman, MS Akram, A Malik, S Mokhtar, ZA Bhatti, MA Khan
SAGE Open, 2020
The roles of network embeddedness, market incentives, and slack resources in the adoption of clean technologies by firms in developing countries
N Ashraf, C Breeda, GA Arain, ZA Bhatti
Climate Policy, 2019
The success of corporate wiki systems: an end user perspective
ZA Bhatti, S Baile, HM Yasin
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open …, 2011
How and When Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) Leads to Employee Promotive and Prohibitive Voice? The Interplay of Employee Moral Identity and Perceived Voice Opportunity
I Hameed, ZA Bhatti, MA Khan, S Sumaiya
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management …, 2020
How does participation and browsing affect continuance intention in virtual communities? An integration of curiosity theory and subjective well-being
YH Fang, CY Li, GA Arain, ZA Bhatti
Behaviour & Information Technology 40 (3), 221-239, 2021
Assessing e-service quality of B2C sites: a proposed framework
S Iqbal, ZA Bhatti, MN Khan
International Journal of Information Technology, 1-12, 2019
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