Computational invariant theory H Derksen, G Kemper Springer, 2015 | 745 | 2015 |
Segmentation of multivariate mixed data via lossy data coding and compression Y Ma, H Derksen, W Hong, J Wright IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (9), 1546-1562, 2007 | 613 | 2007 |
Quivers with potentials and their representations I: Mutations H Derksen, J Weyman, A Zelevinsky Selecta Mathematica 14, 59-119, 2008 | 593 | 2008 |
Quivers with potentials and their representations II: applications to cluster algebras H Derksen, J Weyman, A Zelevinsky Journal of the American Mathematical Society 23 (3), 749-790, 2010 | 403 | 2010 |
Estimation of subspace arrangements with applications in modeling and segmenting mixed data Y Ma, AY Yang, H Derksen, R Fossum SIAM review 50 (3), 413-458, 2008 | 325 | 2008 |
Computational Invariant Theory, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences 130 H Derksen, G Kemper Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2002 | 256 | 2002 |
Semi-invariants of quivers and saturation for Littlewood-Richardson coefficients H Derksen, J Weyman Journal of the American Mathematical Society 13 (3), 467-479, 2000 | 239 | 2000 |
Quiver representations H Derksen, J Weyman Notices of the AMS 52 (2), 200-206, 2005 | 175 | 2005 |
An introduction to quiver representations H Derksen, J Weyman American Mathematical Soc., 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
Polynomial degree bounds for matrix semi-invariants H Derksen, V Makam Advances in Mathematics 310, 44-63, 2017 | 104 | 2017 |
The combinatorics of quiver representations H Derksen, J Weyman Annales de l'Institut Fourier 61 (3), 1061-1131, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
Quantum automata and algebraic groups H Derksen, E Jeandel, P Koiran Journal of Symbolic Computation 39 (3-4), 357-371, 2005 | 89 | 2005 |
Valuative invariants for polymatroids H Derksen, A Fink Advances in Mathematics 225 (4), 1840-1892, 2010 | 86 | 2010 |
On the Littlewood–Richardson polynomials H Derksen, J Weyman Journal of Algebra 255 (2), 247-257, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Computation of invariants for reductive groups H Derksen Advances in Mathematics 141 (2), 366-384, 1999 | 85 | 1999 |
On the canonical decomposition of quiver representations H Derksen, J Weyman Compositio Mathematica 133 (3), 245-265, 2002 | 84 | 2002 |
Polynomial bounds for rings of invariants H Derksen Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 129 (4), 955-963, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
A sharp bound for the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of subspace arrangements H Derksen, J Sidman Advances in Mathematics 172 (2), 151-157, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
A Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem in positive characteristic and finite automata H Derksen Inventiones mathematicae 168 (1), 175-224, 2007 | 71 | 2007 |
General presentations of algebras H Derksen, J Fei Advances in Mathematics 278, 210-237, 2015 | 65 | 2015 |