Jakub Sobiecki
Jakub Sobiecki
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ imperial.ac.uk
High compliance with dietary recommendations in a cohort of meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians, and vegans: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer …
JG Sobiecki, PN Appleby, KE Bradbury, TJ Key
Nutrition Research 36 (5), 464-477, 2016
Height and body fatness and colorectal cancer risk: an update of the WCRF–AICR systematic review of published prospective studies
L Abar, AR Vieira, D Aune, JG Sobiecki, S Vingeliene, E Polemiti, ...
European journal of nutrition 57, 1701-1720, 2018
Growth, body composition, and cardiovascular and nutritional risk of 5-to 10-y-old children consuming vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore diets
MA Desmond, JG Sobiecki, M Jaworski, P Płudowski, J Antoniewicz, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 113 (6), 1565-1577, 2021
Anthropometric and physiologic characteristics in white and British Indian vegetarians and nonvegetarians in the UK Biobank
TYN Tong, TJ Key, JG Sobiecki, KE Bradbury
The American journal of clinical nutrition 107 (6), 909-920, 2018
Body size and obesity during adulthood, and risk of lympho-haematopoietic cancers: an update of the WCRF-AICR systematic review of published prospective studies
L Abar, JG Sobiecki, M Cariolou, N Nanu, AR Vieira, C Stevens, D Aune, ...
Annals of Oncology 30 (4), 528-541, 2019
Plant-based diets for children as a means of improving adult cardiometabolic health
MA Desmond, J Sobiecki, M Fewtrell, JCK Wells
Nutrition reviews 76 (4), 260-273, 2018
Vegetarianism and colorectal cancer risk in a low-selenium environment: effect modification by selenium status? A possible factor contributing to the null results in British …
JG Sobiecki
European journal of nutrition 56, 1819-1832, 2017
A nutritional biomarker score of the Mediterranean diet and incident type 2 diabetes: Integrated analysis of data from the MedLey randomised controlled trial and the EPIC …
JG Sobiecki, F Imamura, CR Davis, SJ Sharp, A Koulman, JM Hodgson, ...
PLoS medicine 20 (4), e1004221, 2023
External validation of a prediction model for estimating fat mass in children and adolescents in 19 countries: individual participant data meta-analysis
MT Hudda, JCK Wells, LS Adair, JRA Alvero-Cruz, MN Ashby-Thompson, ...
bmj 378, 2022
The associations between food, nutrition and physical activity and the risk of skin cancer
T Norat, S Vingeliene, E Polemiti, J Soiecki, D Chan, L Abar
Imperial College London, 2018
Application of biomarker-based assessment of dietary patterns to nutritional epidemiology: observational and interventional investigations with a focus on the Mediterranean …
JG Sobiecki
Spożycie nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych a ryzyko choroby niedokrwiennej serca—zmiana paradygmatu czy metodologiczny węzeł gordyjski?
J Sobiecki, DI Śliż
Choroby Serca i Naczyń 12 (4), 217-222, 2015
Growth, body composition, and cardiovascular and nutritional risk of 5-10-year-old children consuming vegetarian, vegan or omnivore diets.
MA Desmond, JG Sobiecki, M Jaworski, P Płudowski, J Antoniewicz, ...
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