Tim Veal
Tim Veal
Professor of Materials Physics, Stephenson Inst. for Ren. Energy and Physics, Univ. of Liverpool
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ liverpool.ac.uk - หน้าแรก
Intrinsic electron accumulation at clean InN surfaces
I Mahboob, TD Veal, CF McConville, H Lu, WJ Schaff
Physical review letters 92 (3), 036804, 2004
Band gap, electronic structure, and surface electron accumulation of cubic and rhombohedral
PDC King, TD Veal, F Fuchs, CY Wang, DJ Payne, A Bourlange, H Zhang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205211, 2009
Conductivity in transparent oxide semiconductors
PDC King, TD Veal
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (33), 334214, 2011
Electronic and optical properties of single crystal SnS 2: an earth-abundant disulfide photocatalyst
LA Burton, TJ Whittles, D Hesp, WM Linhart, JM Skelton, B Hou, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (4), 1312-1318, 2016
Surface Electron Accumulation and the Charge Neutrality Level in
PDC King, TD Veal, DJ Payne, A Bourlange, RG Egdell, CF McConville
Physical review letters 101 (11), 116808, 2008
Origin of electron accumulation at wurtzite InN surfaces
I Mahboob, TD Veal, LFJ Piper, CF McConville, H Lu, WJ Schaff, ...
Physical Review B 69 (20), 201307, 2004
Band Alignments, Valence Bands, and Core Levels in the Tin Sulfides SnS, SnS2, and Sn2S3: Experiment and Theory
TJ Whittles, LA Burton, JM Skelton, A Walsh, TD Veal, VR Dhanak
Chemistry of Materials 28 (11), 3718-3726, 2016
Bandgap and effective mass of epitaxial cadmium oxide
PH Jefferson, SA Hatfield, TD Veal, PDC King, CF McConville, ...
Applied physics letters 92 (2), 2008
Origin of the n-type conductivity of InN: The role of positively charged dislocations
LFJ Piper, TD Veal, CF McConville, H Lu, WJ Schaff
Applied physics letters 88 (25), 2006
Shallow donor state of hydrogen in and : Implications for conductivity in transparent conducting oxides
PDC King, RL Lichti, YG Celebi, JM Gil, RC Vilão, HV Alberto, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (8), 081201, 2009
Valence-band electronic structure of CdO, ZnO, and MgO from x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and quasi-particle-corrected density-functional theory calculations
PDC King, TD Veal, A Schleife, J Zúñiga-Pérez, B Martel, PH Jefferson, ...
Physical Review B 79 (20), 205205, 2009
InN/GaN valence band offset: High-resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements
PDC King, TD Veal, CE Kendrick, LR Bailey, SM Durbin, CF McConville
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (3), 033308, 2008
Growth, disorder, and physical properties of ZnSnN2
N Feldberg, JD Aldous, WM Linhart, LJ Phillips, K Durose, PA Stampe, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (4), 2013
Bulk transport measurements in ZnO: The effect of surface electron layers
MW Allen, CH Swartz, TH Myers, TD Veal, CF McConville, SM Durbin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (7), 075211, 2010
Determination of the branch-point energy of InN: Chemical trends in common-cation and common-anion semiconductors
PDC King, TD Veal, PH Jefferson, SA Hatfield, LFJ Piper, CF McConville, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (4), 045316, 2008
Universality of electron accumulation at wurtzite c-and a-plane and zinc-blende InN surfaces
PDC King, TD Veal, CF McConville, F Fuchs, J Furthmüller, F Bechstedt, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (9), 2007
Quantized Electron Accumulation States in Indium Nitride Studied<? format?> by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
L Colakerol, TD Veal, HK Jeong, L Plucinski, A DeMasi, T Learmonth, ...
Physical review letters 97 (23), 237601, 2006
Self‐Compensation in Transparent Conducting F‐Doped SnO2
JEN Swallow, BAD Williamson, TJ Whittles, M Birkett, TJ Featherstone, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (4), 1701900, 2018
Band Gap Dependence on Cation Disorder in ZnSnN2 Solar Absorber
TD Veal, N Feldberg, NF Quackenbush, WM Linhart, DO Scanlon, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (24), 201501462, 2015
Surface band-gap narrowing in quantized electron accumulation layers
PDC King, TD Veal, CF McConville, J Zúñiga-Pérez, V Muñoz-Sanjosé, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (25), 256803, 2010
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