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The job demand-control (-support) model and psychological well-being: A review of 20 years of empirical research
M Van der Doef, S Maes
Work & stress 13 (2), 87-114, 1999
Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency nurses: a systematic review of 25 years of research
J Adriaenssens, V De Gucht, S Maes
International journal of nursing studies 52 (2), 649-661, 2015
A meta-analysis of psychoeducational programs for coronary heart disease patients.
E Dusseldorp, T van Elderen, S Maes, J Meulman, V Kraaij
Health Psychology 18 (5), 506, 1999
Self‐regulation assessment and intervention in physical health and illness: A review
S Maes, P Karoly
Applied psychology 54 (2), 267-299, 2005
Coping with chronic diseases.
S Maes, H Leventhal, DTD de Ridder
John Wiley & Sons, 1996
Causes and consequences of occupational stress in emergency nurses, a longitudinal study
J Adriaenssens, V De Gucht, S Maes
Journal of nursing management 23 (3), 346-358, 2015
Negative life events and depressive symptoms in late adolescence: Bonding and cognitive coping as vulnerability factors?
V Kraaij, N Garnefski, EJ de Wilde, A Dijkstra, W Gebhardt, S Maes, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 32, 185-193, 2003
The impact of traumatic events on emergency room nurses: Findings from a questionnaire survey
J Adriaenssens, V De Gucht, S Maes
International journal of nursing studies 49 (11), 1411-1422, 2012
A longitudinal study of job stress in the nursing profession: causes and consequences
TI Gelsema, M Van der Doef, S Maes, M Janssen, S Akerboom, ...
Journal of nursing management 14 (4), 289-299, 2006
The job demand-control (-support) model and physical health outcomes: A review of the strain and buffer hypotheses
M Van der Doef, S Maes
Psychology and health 13 (5), 909-936, 1998
Exploring the burden of emergency care: predictors of stress‐health outcomes in emergency nurses
J Adriaenssens, V De Gucht, M Van Der Doef, S Maes
Journal of advanced nursing 67 (6), 1317-1328, 2011
Self-regulation across domains of applied psychology: Is there an emerging consensus?
M Boekaerts, S Maes, P Karoly
Applied psychology: an international review 54 (2), 2005
Lifestyle modification programmes for patients with coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
V Janssen, VD Gucht, E Dusseldorp, S Maes
European journal of preventive cardiology 20 (4), 620-640, 2013
Condom use self-efficacy: Effect on intended and actual condom use in adolescents
J Baele, E Dusseldorp, S Maes
Journal of adolescent health 28 (5), 421-431, 2001
Psychological interventions for rheumatoid arthritis: Examining the role of self‐regulation with a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
K Knittle, S Maes, V De Gucht
Arthritis care & research 62 (10), 1460-1472, 2010
Job characteristics, organizational conditions, and distress/well-being among Italian and Dutch nurses: a cross-national comparison
R Pisanti, M van der Doef, S Maes, D Lazzari, M Bertini
International journal of nursing studies 48 (7), 829-837, 2011
The Leiden Quality of Work Questionnaire: its construction, factor structure, and psychometric qualities
M van der Doef, S Maes
Psychological reports 85 (3), 954-962, 1999
The job demand-control-social support model and wellness/health outcomes: A European study
C Verhoeven, S Maes, V Kraaij, K Joekes
Psychology and Health 18 (4), 421-440, 2003
Beyond demand and control: The contribution of organizational risk factors in assessing the psychological well-being of health care employees
S Akerboom, S Maes
Work & Stress 20 (1), 21-36, 2006
Effects of a Dutch work-site wellness-health program: the Brabantia Project.
S Maes, C Verhoeven, F Kittel, H Scholten
American journal of public health 88 (7), 1037-1041, 1998
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