Jeries Besarat
Jeries Besarat
Post Doctoral Researcher
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ kic.uoi.gr - หน้าแรก
Design, development, and evaluation of a virtual reality serious game for school fire preparedness training
S Mystakidis, J Besharat, G Papantzikos, A Christopoulos, C Stylios, ...
Education Sciences 12 (4), 281, 2022
Public opinion mining for governmental decisions
G Stylios, D Christodoulakis, J Besharat, MA Vonitsanou, I Kotrotsos, ...
Electronic Journal of e-Government 8 (2), pp202‑213-pp202‑213, 2010
Capturing Urban Dynamics with Scarce Check-In Data
A Komninos, A Plessas, V Stefanis
IEEE Pervasive Computing 12 (4), 20-28, 2013
Where’s everybody? Comparing the use of heatmaps to uncover cities’ tacit social context in smartphones and pervasive displays
A Komninos, J Besharat, D Ferreira, J Garofalakis, V Kostakos
Information Technology & Tourism 17, 399-427, 2017
HotCity: enhancing ubiquitous maps with social context heatmaps
A Komninos, J Besharat, D Ferreira, J Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2013
Augmented paper maps: Design of POI markers and effects on group navigation
J Besharat, A Komninos, G Papadimitriou, E Lagiou, J Garofalakis
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 8 (5), 515-530, 2016
Building a virtual reality fire environment based on fire dynamic simulator
M Tzani, J Besharat, V Charalampous, C Stylios
2020 International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech), 1-5, 2020
Designing and developing a meat traceability system: a case study for the Greek meat industry
GP Botilias, SV Margariti, J Besarat, D Salmas, G Pachoulas, C Stylios, ...
Sustainability 15 (16), 12162, 2023
Smart Tourism via Smart Phone–An Enhanced Approach
GP Botilias, G Pachoulas, SV Margariti, J Besarat, D Salmas, C Stylios
2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer …, 2022
Perceptibility of mobile notification modalities during multitasking in smart environments
A Komninos, J Besharat, V Stefanis, J Garofalakis
2018 14th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 17-24, 2018
Assessing the perceptibility of smartphone notifications in smart lighting spaces
A Komninos, J Besharat, V Stefanis, G Gogoulou, J Garofalakis
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 11 (3), 277-297, 2019
HotCity (pp. 1–10)
A Komninos, J Besharat, D Ferreira, J Garofalakis
the 12th International Conference, New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi …, 2013
Designing and Developing a VR Environment for Indoor Fire Simulation
V Charalampous, J Besharat, C Stylios
Proceedings of the 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 237-240, 2020
AliAmvra—enhancing customer experience through the application of machine learning techniques for survey data assessment and analysis
D Mpouziotas, J Besharat, IG Tsoulos, C Stylios
Information 15 (2), 83, 2024
Deciphering the Public's Stance towards Governmental Decisions
G Stylios, D Christodoulakis, J Besharat, MA Vonitsanou, I Kotrotsos, ...
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on E-Government, 376-381, 2010
Jeries; Vonitsanou, Maria-Alexandra; Kotrotsos, Ioanis; Koumpouri, Athanasia & Stamou, Sofia (2010)
G Stylios, D Christodoulakis, J Besharat
Public Opinion Mining for Governmental Decisions in Electronic Journal of e …, 0
Designing a Cultural Augmented Reality Application For Educational Purposes
G Botilias, G Papantzikos, A Christopoulos, J Besarat, C Stylios
2021 6th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer …, 2021
Use of self-reporting questionnaires to evaluate augmented paper maps for group navigation
A Komninos, J Besharat, J Garofalakis
European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, 125-137, 2015
Helping Tourists to Plan Activities with Shared Urban Social Context
A Komninos, P Barrie, J Besharat
Workshop Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2013
Data mining applications in the service of e-government
G Stylios, D Christodoulakis, J Besharat, MA Vonitsanou, I Kotrotsos, ...
Public Sector Reform Using Information Technologies: Transforming Policy …, 2012
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