Olga Mavrouli
Olga Mavrouli
Assistant Professor, University of West Attica, Department of Civil Engineering
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uniwa.gr
Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk
J Corominas, C van Westen, P Frattini, L Cascini, JP Malet, S Fotopoulou, ...
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 73, 209-263, 2014
Prediction of a multi-hazard chain by an integrated numerical simulation approach: the Baige landslide, Jinsha River, China
X Fan, F Yang, S Siva Subramanian, Q Xu, Z Feng, O Mavrouli, M Peng, ...
Landslides 17, 147-164, 2020
Vulnerability assessment for reinforced concrete buildings exposed to landslides
O Mavrouli, S Fotopoulou, K Pitilakis, G Zuccaro, J Corominas, A Santo, ...
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 73, 265-289, 2014
A fractal fragmentation model for rockfalls
R Ruiz-Carulla, J Corominas, O Mavrouli
Landslides 14 (3), 875-889, 2017
A methodology to obtain the block size distribution of fragmental rockfall deposits
R Ruiz-Carulla, J Corominas, O Mavrouli
Landslides 12 (4), 815-825, 2015
Vulnerability of simple reinforced concrete buildings to damage by rockfalls
O Mavrouli, J Corominas
Landslides 7 (2), 169-180, 2010
Magnitude–frequency relation for rockfall scars using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
D Santana, J Corominas, O Mavrouli, D Garcia-Sellés
Engineering Geology 145, 50-64, 2012
Assessment of socioeconomic vulnerability to landslides using an indicator-based approach: methodology and case studies
UMK Eidsvig, A McLean, BV Vangelsten, B Kalsnes, RL Ciurean, ...
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 73, 307-324, 2014
Rockfall vulnerability assessment for reinforced concrete buildings
O Mavrouli, J Corominas
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (10), 2055-2066, 2010
An expert judgement approach to determining the physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
MG Winter, JT Smith, S Fotopoulou, K Pitilakis, O Mavrouli, J Corominas, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 291-305, 2014
Use of UAV-based photogrammetry products for semi-automatic detection and classification of asphalt road damage in landslide-affected areas
N Nappo, O Mavrouli, F Nex, C van Westen, R Gambillara, AM Michetti
Engineering geology 294, 106363, 2021
Satellite-derived rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning in Bogowonto Catchment, Central Java, Indonesia
EE Chikalamo, OC Mavrouli, J Ettema, CJ van Westen, AS Muntohar, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 89, 102093, 2020
Rockfall occurrence and fragmentation
J Corominas, O Mavrouli, R Ruiz-Carulla
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides: Volume 1 ISDR-ICL Sendai …, 2017
Slow-moving landslides interacting with the road network: Analysis of damage using ancillary data, in situ surveys and multi-source monitoring data
N Nappo, D Peduto, O Mavrouli, CJ van Westen, G Gullà
Engineering geology 260, 105244, 2019
Size distribution for potentially unstable rock masses and in situ rock blocks using LIDAR-generated digital elevation models
O Mavrouli, J Corominas, M Jaboyedoff
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 48, 1589-1604, 2015
How size and trigger matter: analyzing rainfall-and earthquake-triggered landslide inventories and their causal relation in the Koshi River basin, central Himalaya
J Zhang, CJ van Westen, H Tanyas, O Mavrouli, Y Ge, S Bajrachary, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 19 (8), 1789-1805, 2019
Magnitude and frequency relations: are there geological constraints to the rockfall size?
J Corominas, O Mavrouli, R Ruiz-Carulla
Landslides 15 (5), 829-845, 2018
Damage analysis of masonry structures subjected to rockfalls
O Mavrouli, PG Giannopoulos, JM Carbonell, C Syrmakezis
Landslides 14, 891-904, 2017
Methodology to evaluate rock slope stability under seismic conditions at Sola de Santa Coloma, Andorra
O Mavrouli, J Corominas, J Wartman
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (6), 1763-1773, 2009
Identification of potential rockfall sources using UAV-derived point cloud
D Albarelli, OC Mavrouli, P Nyktas
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 80 (8), 6539-6561, 2021
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