Modeling of multicomponent reactive transport in groundwater: 1. Model development and evaluation AL Walter, EO Frind, DW Blowes, CJ Ptacek, JW Molson Water resources research 30 (11), 3137-3148, 1994 | 357 | 1994 |
Numerical simulations of pyrite oxidation and acid mine drainage in unsaturated waste rock piles JW Molson, O Fala, M Aubertin, B Bussière Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 78 (4), 343-371, 2005 | 247 | 2005 |
Well vulnerability: a quantitative approach for source water protection EO Frind, JW Molson, DL Rudolph Groundwater 44 (5), 732-742, 2006 | 223 | 2006 |
Thermal energy storage in an unconfined aquifer: 2. Model development, validation, and application JW Molson, EO Frind, CD Palmer Water Resources Research 28 (10), 2857-2867, 1992 | 222 | 1992 |
Analyses of water diversion along inclined covers with capillary barrier effects M Aubertin, E Cifuentes, SA Apithy, B Bussière, J Molson, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (10), 1146-1164, 2009 | 177 | 2009 |
Influence of aquifer and streambed heterogeneity on the distribution of groundwater discharge E Kalbus, C Schmidt, JW Molson, F Reinstorf, M Schirmer Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (1), 69-77, 2009 | 157 | 2009 |
Numerical modelling of flow and capillary barrier effects in unsaturated waste rock piles O Fala, J Molson, M Aubertin*, B Bussière* Mine water and the environment 24, 172-185, 2005 | 154 | 2005 |
Dissolution and mass transfer of multiple organics under field conditions: The Borden emplaced source EO Frind, JW Molson, M Schirmer, N Guiguer Water Resources Research 35 (3), 683-694, 1999 | 145 | 1999 |
Thermal energy storage in an unconfined aquifer: 1. Field injection experiment CD Palmer, DW Blowes, EO Frind, JW Molson Water Resources Research 28 (10), 2845-2856, 1992 | 136 | 1992 |
Delineation of three‐dimensional well capture zones for complex multi‐aquifer systems EO Frind, DS Muhammad, JW Molson Groundwater 40 (6), 586-598, 2002 | 134 | 2002 |
Modelling the effect of chemical heterogeneity on acidification and solute leaching in overburden mine spoils HH Gerke, JW Molson, EO Frind Journal of Hydrology 209 (1-4), 166-185, 1998 | 132 | 1998 |
Numerical investigation of road salt impact on an urban wellfield ML Bester, EO Frind, JW Molson, DL Rudolph Groundwater 44 (2), 165-175, 2006 | 130 | 2006 |
Groundwater flow and heat transport for systems undergoing freeze-thaw: Intercomparison of numerical simulators for 2D test cases C Grenier, H Anbergen, V Bense, Q Chanzy, E Coon, N Collier, F Costard, ... Advances in water resources 114, 196-218, 2018 | 128 | 2018 |
Modelling the closure-related geochemical evolution of groundwater at a former uranium mine JG Bain, KU Mayer, DW Blowes, EO Frind, JWH Molson, R Kahnt, U Jenk Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 52 (1-4), 109-135, 2001 | 128 | 2001 |
Modeling of multicomponent reactive transport in groundwater: 2. Metal mobility in aquifers impacted by acidic mine tailings discharge AL Walter, EO Frind, DW Blowes, CJ Ptacek, JW Molson Water Resources Research 30 (11), 3149-3158, 1994 | 122 | 1994 |
Impacts of predicted climate change on groundwater flow systems: can wetlands disappear due to recharge reduction? T Havril, Á Tóth, JW Molson, A Galsa, J Mádl-Szőnyi Journal of hydrology 563, 1169-1180, 2018 | 120 | 2018 |
Field experimental cells to evaluate the hydrogeological behaviour of oxygen barriers made of silty materials B Bussière, M Aubertin, M Mbonimpa, JW Molson, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 44 (3), 245-265, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Biodegradation modelling of a dissolved gasoline plume applying independent laboratory and field parameters M Schirmer, JW Molson, EO Frind, JF Barker Journal of contaminant hydrology 46 (3-4), 339-374, 2000 | 117 | 2000 |
Reactive transport modelling of mine tailings columns with capillarity-induced high water saturation for preventing sulfide oxidation M Ouangrawa, J Molson, M Aubertin, B Bussière, GJ Zagury Applied Geochemistry 24 (7), 1312-1323, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |
Groundwater geochemistry of the Outaouais Region (Québec, Canada): A regional-scale study. N Montcoudiol, J Molson, JM Lemieux Hydrogeology Journal 23 (2), 2015 | 99 | 2015 |