Natalja Menold
Natalja Menold
Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) Professor for Methods in Empirical Social Research
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ tu-dresden.de
Methodological aspects of focus groups in health research: results of qualitative interviews with focus group moderators
AP Tausch, N Menold
Global qualitative nursing research 3, 2333393616630466, 2016
Gütekriterien quantitativer Sozialforschung
D Krebs, N Menold
Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, 489-504, 2019
Design of Rating Scales in Questionnaires (Version 2.0)
N Menold, K Bogner
DEU, 2016
Offene Fragen
C Züll, N Menold
Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, 713-719, 2014
Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives
H Leitgöb, D Seddig, T Asparouhov, D Behr, E Davidov, K De Roover, ...
Social science research 110, 102805, 2023
Health monitoring among asylum seekers and refugees: a state-wide, cross-sectional, population-based study in Germany
L Biddle, N Menold, M Bentner, S Nöst, R Jahn, S Ziegler, K Bozorgmehr
Emerging themes in epidemiology 16, 1-21, 2019
Socio-technical walkthrough: designing technology along work processes
T Herrmann, G Kunau, KU Loser, N Menold
Proceedings of the eighth conference on Participatory design: Artful …, 2004
Methodische Aspekte der Durchführung von Fokusgruppen in der Gesundheitsforschung: Welche Anforderungen ergeben sich aufgrund der besonderen Zielgruppen und Fragestellungen?
AP Tausch, N Menold
DEU 2015, 49, 2015
How do respondents attend to verbal labels in rating scales?
N Menold, L Kaczmirek, T Lenzner, A Neusar
Field methods 26 (1), 21-39, 2014
The influence of the answer box size on item nonresponse to open-ended questions in a web survey
C Zuell, N Menold, S Körber
Social Science Computer Review 33 (1), 115-122, 2015
Double barreled questions: An analysis of the similarity of elements and effects on measurement quality
N Menold
Journal of Official Statistics 36 (4), 855-886, 2020
Concepts for usable patterns of groupware applications
T Herrmann, M Hoffmann, I Jahnke, A Kienle, G Kunau, KU Loser, ...
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2003
A literature review of methods to detect fabricated survey data
S Bredl, N Storfinger, N Menold
Discussion paper, 2011
Improving the coordination of collaborative learning with process models
A Carell, T Herrmann, A Kicnle, N Menold
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005, 18-27, 2017
Patient-reported financial distress in cancer: a systematic review of risk factors in universal healthcare systems
S Pauge, B Surmann, K Mehlis, A Zueger, L Richter, N Menold, W Greiner, ...
Cancers 13 (19), 5015, 2021
Measurement of latent variables with different rating scales: Testing reliability and measurement equivalence by varying the verbalization and number of categories
N Menold, A Tausch
Sociological Methods & Research 45 (4), 678-699, 2016
Current challenges, new developments, and future directions in scale construction
D Danner, J Blasius, B Breyer, S Eifler, N Menold, DL Paulhus, ...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2016
Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zur Erfassung von Wissensintegrationsproblemen in interdisziplinären Projektteams (WIP)
B Steinheider, PS Bayerl, N Menold, R Bromme
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O 53 (3), 121-130, 2009
Nuisance or remedy? The utility of stylistic responding as an indicator of data fabrication in surveys
CJ Kemper, N Menold
Methodology, 2014
Quality standards for the development, application, and evaluation of measurement instruments in social science survey research
B Rammstedt, C Beierlein, E Brähler, M Eid, J Hartig, M Kersting, S Liebig, ...
RatSWD Working Paper Series 245, 2015
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