Mohamed H. Zaki
Mohamed H. Zaki
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uwo.ca
Automated safety diagnosis of vehicle–bicycle interactions using computer vision analysis
T Sayed, MH Zaki, J Autey
Safety Science 59, 163-172, 2013
Safety evaluation of right-turn smart channels using automated traffic conflict analysis
J Autey, T Sayed, MH Zaki
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 120-130, 2012
Formal verification of analog and mixed signal designs: A survey
MH Zaki, S Tahar, G Bois
Microelectronics Journal 39 (12), 1395-1404, 2008
Formal verification of analog and mixed signal designs: A survey
MH Zaki, S Tahar, G Bois
Microelectronics journal 39 (12), 1395-1404, 2008
Use of drivers’ jerk profiles in computer vision–based traffic safety evaluations
MH Zaki, T Sayed, K Shaaban
Transportation Research Record 2434 (1), 103-112, 2014
Application of Computer Vision to the Diagnosis of Pedestrian Safety Issues
MH Zaki, T Sayed, A Tageldin, M Hussein
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, 2013
Assessing the effect of pedestrians’ use of cell phones on their walking behavior: A study based on automated video analysis
R Alsaleh, T Sayed, MH Zaki
Transportation research record 2672 (35), 46-57, 2018
A framework for automated road-users classification using movement trajectories
MH Zaki, T Sayed
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 33, 50-73, 2013
Feasibility of computer vision-based safety evaluations: Case study of a signalized right-turn safety treatment
T Sayed, K Ismail, MH Zaki, J Autey
Transportation Research Record 2280 (1), 18-27, 2012
Exploring Evasive Action–Based Indicators for PTW Conflicts in Shared Traffic Facility Environments
Y Guo, T Sayed, MH Zaki
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 144 (11), 04018065, 2018
Safety evaluation of unconventional outside left-turn lane using automated traffic conflict techniques
Y Guo, T Sayed, MH Zaki, P Liu
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 43 (7), 631-642, 2016
Pedestrian gait analysis using automated computer vision techniques
H Hediyeh, T Sayed, MH Zaki, G Mori
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 10 (3), 214-232, 2014
Automated analysis of pedestrian group behavior in urban settings
MH Zaki, T Sayed
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (6), 1880-1889, 2017
Automated collection of pedestrian data through computer vision techniques
S Li, T Sayed, MH Zaki, G Mori, F Stefanus, B Khanloo, N Saunier
Transportation Research Record 2299 (1), 121-127, 2012
Evaluating the safety impacts of powered two wheelers on a shared roadway in China using automated video analysis
Y Guo, T Sayed, MH Zaki
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 11 (4), 414-429, 2019
A symbolic methodology for the verification of analog and mixed signal designs
G Al-Sammane, MH Zaki, S Tahar
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2007
Towards Assertion Based Verification of Analog and Mixed Signal Designs Using PSL.
G Al Sammane, MH Zaki, ZJ Dong, S Tahar
FDL, 293-298, 2007
Formal verification of analog designs using MetiTarski
W Denman, B Akbarpour, S Tahar, MH Zaki, LC Paulson
2009 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 93-100, 2009
Computer vision techniques for the automated collection of cyclist data
MH Zaki, T Sayed, A Cheung
Transportation research record 2387 (1), 10-19, 2013
Automated analysis of pedestrian crossing speed behavior at scramble-phase signalized intersections using computer vision techniques
H Hediyeh, T Sayed, MH Zaki, K Ismail
International journal of sustainable transportation 8 (5), 382-397, 2014
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