Harvey West
Harvey West
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ncsu.edu
Mechanical properties of 3D re-entrant honeycomb auxetic structures realized via additive manufacturing
L Yang, O Harrysson, H West, D Cormier
International Journal of Solids and Structures 69, 475-490, 2015
Direct metal fabrication of titanium implants with tailored materials and mechanical properties using electron beam melting technology
OLA Harrysson, O Cansizoglu, DJ Marcellin-Little, DR Cormier, HA West II
Materials Science and Engineering: C 28 (3), 366-373, 2008
Characterization of H13 steel produced via electron beam melting
D Cormier, O Harrysson, H West
Rapid prototyping journal 10 (1), 35-41, 2004
Properties of Ti–6Al–4V non-stochastic lattice structures fabricated via electron beam melting
O Cansizoglu, OLA Harrysson, D Cormier, H West, T Mahale
Materials Science and Engineering: A 492 (1-2), 468-474, 2008
Compressive properties of Ti–6Al–4V auxetic mesh structures made by electron beam melting
L Yang, O Harrysson, H West, D Cormier
Acta Materialia 60 (8), 3370-3379, 2012
Modeling of uniaxial compression in a 3D periodic re-entrant lattice structure
L Yang, O Harrysson, H West, D Cormier
Journal of Materials Science 48, 1413-1422, 2013
Additive manufacturing of an iron-based bulk metallic glass larger than the critical casting thickness
Z Mahbooba, L Thorsson, M Unosson, P Skoglund, H West, T Horn, ...
Applied Materials Today 11, 264-269, 2018
Thickness dependency of mechanical properties for thin-walled titanium parts manufactured by Electron Beam Melting (EBM)®
JK Algardh, T Horn, H West, R Aman, A Snis, H Engqvist, J Lausmaa, ...
Additive Manufacturing 12, 45-50, 2016
Additive manufacturing of metal cellular structures: design and fabrication
L Yang, O Harrysson, D Cormier, H West, H Gong, B Stucker
Jom 67, 608-615, 2015
Freeform fabrication of titanium aluminide via electron beam melting using prealloyed and blended powders
D Cormier, OLA Harrysson, T Mahale, H West
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2007 (1), 034737, 2007
Fabricating copper components with electron beam melting
P Frigola, OA Harrysson, TJ Horn, HA West, RL Aman, JM Rigsbee, ...
AM&P Technical Articles 172 (7), 20-24, 2014
Non-stochastic Ti–6Al–4V foam structures with negative Poisson's ratio
L Yang, D Cormier, H West, O Harrysson, K Knowlson
Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 579-585, 2012
Flexural properties of Ti6Al4V rhombic dodecahedron open cellular structures fabricated with electron beam melting
TJ Horn, OLA Harrysson, DJ Marcellin-Little, HA West, BDX Lascelles, ...
Additive manufacturing 1, 2-11, 2014
A comparison of bending properties for cellular core sandwich panels
L Yang, O Harrysson, H West, D Cormier
Materials Sciences and Applications 4 (8), 471-477, 2013
Applications of structural optimization in direct metal fabrication
O Cansizoglu, OLA Harrysson, HA West, DR Cormier, T Mahale
Rapid Prototyping Journal 14 (2), 114-122, 2008
Powder removal from Ti-6Al-4V cellular structures fabricated via electron beam melting
H Hasib, OLA Harrysson, HA West
Jom 67, 639-646, 2015
Electron beam melted scaffolds for orthopedic applications
I Eldesouky, O Harrysson, H West, H Elhofy
Additive Manufacturing 17, 169-175, 2017
Effect of hypoeutectic boron additions on the grain size and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured with powder bed electron beam additive manufacturing
Z Mahbooba, H West, O Harrysson, A Wojcieszynski, R Dehoff, ...
Jom 69, 472-478, 2017
Characterization of Ni–Ti alloy powders for use in additive manufacturing
GS Altug-Peduk, S Dilibal, O Harrysson, S Ozbek, H West
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals 59, 433-439, 2018
An evaluation of loose tenon joint strength.
RL Aman, HA West, DR Cormier
Forest products journal 58 (3), 61-65, 2008
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