Growth and yield of mixed versus pure stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) analysed along a productivity gradient … H Pretzsch, M del Río, C Ammer, A Avdagic, I Barbeito, K Bielak, ... European Journal of Forest Research 134, 927-947, 2015 | 402 | 2015 |
Growth response to climate and drought in Pinus nigra Arn. trees of different crown classes D Martín-Benito, P Cherubini, M Del Río, I Cañellas Trees 22, 363-373, 2008 | 328 | 2008 |
Revisión: Índices de diversidad estructural en masas forestales M Del Río, F Montes, I Cañellas, G Montero Investigación agraria: Sistemas y recursos forestales 12 (1), 159-176, 2003 | 273 | 2003 |
Characterization of the structure, dynamics, and productivity of mixed-species stands: review and perspectives M Del Río, H Pretzsch, I Alberdi, K Bielak, F Bravo, A Brunner, S Condés, ... European journal of forest research 135, 23-49, 2016 | 271 | 2016 |
The greater resilience of mixed forests to drought mainly depends on their composition: Analysis along a climate gradient across Europe M Pardos, M Del Río, H Pretzsch, H Jactel, K Bielak, F Bravo, G Brazaitis, ... Forest Ecology and Management 481, 118687, 2021 | 205 | 2021 |
Species interactions increase the temporal stability of community productivity in Pinus sylvestris–Fagus sylvatica mixtures across Europe M Del Río, H Pretzsch, R Ruíz‐Peinado, E Ampoorter, P Annighöfer, ... Journal of Ecology 105 (4), 1032-1043, 2017 | 205 | 2017 |
Response of climate-growth relationships and water use efficiency to thinning in a Pinus nigra afforestation D Martín-Benito, M Del Río, I Heinrich, G Helle, I Cañellas Forest Ecology and Management 259 (5), 967-975, 2010 | 205 | 2010 |
Temporal variation of competition and facilitation in mixed species forests in C entral E urope M Del Río, G Schütze, H Pretzsch Plant Biology 16 (1), 166-176, 2014 | 198 | 2014 |
New models for estimating the carbon sink capacity of Spanish softwood species R Ruiz-Peinado, M del Rio, G Montero Forest Systems 20 (1), 176-188, 2011 | 183 | 2011 |
Biomass models to estimate carbon stocks for hardwood tree species R Ruiz-Peinado, G Montero, M Río Instituto de Ciencias Forestales (ICIFOR), 2012 | 181 | 2012 |
Growth response to thinning in Quercus pyrenaica Willd. coppice stands in Spanish central mountain I Cañellas, M Del Río, S Roig, G Montero Annals of forest science 61 (3), 243-250, 2004 | 179 | 2004 |
Effects of crown architecture and stand structure on light absorption in mixed and monospecific Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris forests along a productivity … DI Forrester, C Ammer, PJ Annighöfer, I Barbeito, K Bielak, ... Journal of Ecology 106 (2), 746-760, 2018 | 178 | 2018 |
European mixed forests: definition and research perspectives A Bravo-Oviedo, H Pretzsch, C Ammer, E Andenmatten, A Barbati, ... Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2014 | 175 | 2014 |
Comparing volume growth in pure and mixed stands of Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pyrenaica M Del Río, H Sterba Annals of Forest Science 66 (5), 1-11, 2009 | 174 | 2009 |
A mixed nonlinear height–diameter model for pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) P Adame, M del Río, I Canellas Forest ecology and management 256 (1-2), 88-98, 2008 | 174 | 2008 |
What is Climate-Smart Forestry? A definition from a multinational collaborative process focused on mountain regions of Europe E Bowditch, G Santopuoli, F Binder, M Del Rio, N La Porta, T Kluvankova, ... Ecosystem Services 43, 101113, 2020 | 173 | 2020 |
Mixing effect on volume growth of Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris is modulated by stand density S Condés, M Del Rio, H Sterba Forest Ecology and Management 292, 86-95, 2013 | 166 | 2013 |
Mixing of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) enhances structural heterogeneity, and the effect increases with water availability H Pretzsch, M del Río, G Schütze, C Ammer, P Annighöfer, A Avdagic, ... Forest Ecology and Management 373, 149-166, 2016 | 158 | 2016 |
Individual-tree diameter growth model for rebollo oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) coppices P Adame, J Hynynen, I Canellas, M del Río Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 1011-1022, 2008 | 154 | 2008 |
A review of thinning effects on Scots pine stands: From growth and yield to new challenges under global change M del Río Gaztelurrutia, JAB Oviedo, H Pretzsch, M Löf, R Ruiz-Peinado Forest systems 26 (2), 9, 2017 | 145 | 2017 |