Khaled A. Al-Thelaya
Khaled A. Al-Thelaya
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ hbku.edu.qa
A survey on security and privacy issues in edge-computing-assisted internet of things
A Alwarafy, KA Al-Thelaya, M Abdallah, J Schneider, M Hamdi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (6), 4004-4022, 2020
Evaluation of bidirectional LSTM for short-and long-term stock market prediction
KA Althelaya, ESM El-Alfy, S Mohammed
2018 9th international conference on information and communication systems …, 2018
Stock market forecast using multivariate analysis with bidirectional and stacked (LSTM, GRU)
KA Althelaya, ESM El-Alfy, S Mohammed
2018 21st Saudi computer society national computer conference (NCC), 1-7, 2018
Combining deep learning and multiresolution analysis for stock market forecasting
KA Althelaya, SA Mohammed, ESM El-Alfy
IEEE Access 9, 13099-13111, 2021
Applications of discriminative and deep learning feature extraction methods for whole slide image analysis: A survey
K Al-Thelaya, NU Gilal, M Alzubaidi, F Majeed, M Agus, J Schneider, ...
Journal of Pathology Informatics 14, 100335, 2023
Using machine learning to analyze the impact of coronavirus pandemic news on the stock markets in GCC countries
A Al-Maadid, S Alhazbi, K Al-Thelaya
Research in International Business and Finance 61, 101667, 2022
Toward deep observation: A systematic survey on artificial intelligence techniques to monitor fetus via ultrasound images
M Alzubaidi, M Agus, K Alyafei, KA Althelaya, U Shah, A Abd-Alrazaq, ...
Iscience 25 (8), 2022
InShaDe: Invariant Shape Descriptors for visual 2D and 3D cellular and nuclear shape analysis and classification
K Al-Thelaya, M Agus, NU Gilal, Y Yang, G Pintore, E Gobbetti, C Calí, ...
Computers & Graphics 98, 105-125, 2021
Forecasting of bahrain stock market with deep learning: Methodology and case study
KA Al-Thelaya, ESM El-Alfy, S Mohammed
2019 8th International conference on modeling simulation and applied …, 2019
The mixture graph-a data structure for compressing, rendering, and querying segmentation histograms
K Al-Thelaya, M Agus, J Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 645-655, 2020
Evaluating machine learning technologies for food computing from a data set perspective
NU Gilal, K Al-Thelaya, JK Al-Saeed, M Abdallah, J Schneider, J She, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (11), 32041-32068, 2024
Social networks spam detection using graph-based features analysis and sequence of interactions between users
KA Al-Thelaya, TS Al-Nethary, EY Ramadan
2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling …, 2020
Distance Visualizations for Vascular Structures in Desktop and VR: Overview and Implementation.
JN Hombeck, M Meuschke, SJ Lieb, N Lichtenberg, RR Datta, M Krone, ...
VCBM, 1-10, 2022
A survey on security and privacy issues in edge-computing-assisted internet of things. IEEE Internet Things J 8 (6): 4004–4022
A Alwarafy, KA Al-Thelaya, M Abdallah, J Schneider, M Hamdi
Android malware detector based on sequences of system calls and bidirectional recurrent networks
K Al-Thelaya, ESM El-Alfy
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication, 309-321, 2019
Noise2Seg: Automatic few-shot selection from noisy Web data for underwater tropical fishes segmentation
NU Gilal, F Majeed, K Al-Thelaya, M Khan, J Schneider, M Agus
2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications …, 2023
SlowDeepFood: a food computing framework for regional gastronomy.
NU Gilal, KA Al-Thelaya, J Schneider, J She, M Agus
STAG, 73-83, 2021
A composite image processing technique to enhance segmentation of ultrasound images
M Alzubaidi, M Agus, K Al-Thelaya, M Makhlouf, K Alyafei, M Househ
Proceedings of the 2022 5th International Conference on Digital Medicine and …, 2022
HistoContours: a Framework for Visual Annotation of Histopathology Whole Slide Images.
KA Al-Thelaya, F Joad, NU Gilal, W Mifsud, G Pintore, E Gobbetti, M Agus, ...
VCBM, 99-109, 2022
InShaDe: Invariant Shape Descriptors for Visual Analysis of Histology 2D Cellular and Nuclear Shapes.
M Agus, KA Al-Thelaya, C Cali, MM Boido, Y Yang, G Pintore, E Gobbetti, ...
VCBM, 61-70, 2020
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