Majid Naseri
Majid Naseri
Department of Materials Science, South Ural State University, Russia
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ susu.ru
A new strategy to simultaneous increase in the strength and ductility of AA2024 alloy via accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
M Naseri, M Reihanian, E Borhani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 656, 12–20, 2016
An analytical approach for necking and fracture of the hard layer during accumulative roll bonding (ARB) of the metallic multilayer
M Reihanian, M Naseri
Materials & Design 89, 1213-1222, 2016
Wear behavior of nanostructured Al/Al2O3 composite fabricated via accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process
R Jamaati, M Naseri, MR Toroghinejad
Materials & Design 59, 540-549, 2014
Effect of strain path on microstructure, deformation texture and mechanical properties of nano/ultrafine grained AA1050 processed by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
M Naseri, M Reihanian, E Borhani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 673, 288-298, 2016
Nano/ultrafine grained AA2024 alloy processed by accumulative roll bonding: A study of microstructure, deformation texture and mechanical properties
M Alvand, M Naseri, E Borhani, H Abdollah-Pour
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712, 517–525, 2017
Bonding behavior during cold roll-cladding of tri-layered Al/Brass/Al composite
M Naseri, M Reihanian, E Borhani
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 24, 125–137, 2016
An alternative method for manufacturing Al/B4C/SiC hybrid composite strips by cross accumulative roll bonding (CARB) process
M Naseri, A Hassani, M Tajally
Ceramics International 41 (10), 13461-13469, 2015
Fabrication and characterization of hybrid composite strips with homogeneously dispersed ceramic particles by severe plastic deformation
M Naseri, A Hassani, M Tajally
Ceramics International 41 (3), 3952-3960, 2015
Corrosion behavior assessment of finely dispersed and highly uniform Al/B4C/SiC hybrid composite fabricated via accumulative roll bonding process
A Fattah-alhosseini, M Naseri, MH Alemi
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 22, 120-126, 2016
Microstructure and corrosion characterization of the nugget region in dissimilar friction-stir-welded AA5083 and AA1050
A Fattah-alhosseini, M Naseri, D Gholami, O Imantalab, FR Attarzadeh, ...
Journal of Materials Science 54 (1), 777–790, 2019
Assessment of microstructural and electrochemical behavior of severely deformed pure copper through equal channel angular pressing
D Gholami, O Imantalab, M Naseri, S Vafaeian, A Fattah-alhosseini
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 723, 856–865, 2017
Microstructural characterization and electrochemical behavior of nano/ultrafine grained pure copper through constrained groove pressing (CGP)
A Keyvani, M Naseri, O Imantalab, D Gholami, K Babaei, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 11, 1918-1931, 2021
Effect of grain refinement on mechanical and electrochemical properties of severely deformed pure copper through equal channel angular pressing
M Naseri, D Gholami, O Imantalab, FR Attarzadeh, A Fattah-alhosseini
Materials Research Express 5 (7), 076504, 2018
Effect of anodic potential on the electrochemical response of passive layers formed on the surface of coarse-and fine-grained pure nickel in borate buffer solutions
A Fattah-alhosseini, M Naseri, SO Gashti, S Vafaeian, MK Keshavarz
Corrosion Science 131, 81-93, 2018
Enhancing the mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys through severe plastic deformation: A review
M Naseri, AO Moghaddam, M Anandkumar, S Sudarsan, E Bodrov, ...
Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems, 100054, 2024
Correlation between crystallographic texture and electrochemical behavior of nano/ultrafine-grained AA2024 alloy processed by accumulative roll bonding process
M Naseri, E Borhani, O Imantalab, HW Jang, M Shokouhimehr, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 18, 4256-4266, 2022
Effect of Particles Content on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Electrochemical Behavior of Aluminum-Based Hybrid Composite Processed by Accumulative Roll Bonding Process
A Fattah-alhosseini, M Naseri, MH Alemi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 1343–1354, 2017
The Passive Film Characteristics of Cold Deformed Pure Copper
A Fattah-alhosseini, M Naseri, O Imantalab, D Gholami, M Haghshenas
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25 (11), 4741–4749, 2016
EBSD characterization of nano/ultrafine structured Al/Brass composite produced by severe plastic deformation
M Naseri, M Reihanian, E Borhani
Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials 51 (2), 123-138, 2018
Effect of the particle size on the deformation and fracture behavior of Al/4vol.%Al2O3 composite produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
M Reihanian, M Naseri, M Jalili Shahmansouri
Iranian Journal of Materials Forming 2 (2), 14-26, 2015
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