Phuong Mai Dinh
Phuong Mai Dinh
Assistant professor at the Laboratory for Theoretical Physics of Toulouse
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ irsamc.ups-tlse.fr - หน้าแรก
Flow analysis from multiparticle azimuthal correlations
N Borghini, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault
Physical Review C 64 (5), 054901, 2001
Directed and elliptic flow of charged pions and protons in collisions at and
C Alt, T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, M Behler, L Betev, ...
Physical Review C 68 (3), 034903, 2003
Laser-driven nonlinear cluster dynamics
T Fennel, KH Meiwes-Broer, J Tiggesbäumker, PG Reinhard, PM Dinh, ...
Reviews of modern physics 82 (2), 1793-1842, 2010
New method for measuring azimuthal distributions in nucleus-nucleus collisions
N Borghini, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault
Physical Review C 63 (5), 054906, 2001
Transverse Energy Fluctuations and the Pattern of Suppression in Pb-Pb Collisions
JP Blaizot, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault
Physical Review Letters 85 (19), 4012, 2000
Effects of momentum conservation on the analysis of anisotropic flow
N Borghini, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault, AM Poskanzer, SA Voloshin
Physical Review C 66 (1), 014901, 2002
Effects of HBT correlations on flow measurements
PM Dinh, N Borghini, JY Ollitrault
Physics Letters B 477 (1-3), 51-58, 2000
Electrons as probes of dynamics in molecules and clusters: A contribution from Time Dependent Density Functional Theory
P Wopperer, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physics Reports 562, 1-68, 2015
Analysis of directed flow from elliptic flow
N Borghini, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault
Physical Review C 66 (1), 014905, 2002
Time-dependent density-functional theory with a self-interaction correction
J Messud, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physical review letters 101 (9), 096404, 2008
Dynamics of clusters and molecules in contact with an environment
PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physics reports 485 (2-3), 43-107, 2010
Koopmans’ condition in self-interaction-corrected density-functional theory
P Klüpfel, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 052501, 2013
Angular asymmetry and attosecond time delay from the giant plasmon resonance in photoionization
T Barillot, C Cauchy, PA Hervieux, M Gisselbrecht, SE Canton, ...
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033413, 2015
Microscopic studies of atom–water collisions
ZP Wang, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud, G Bruny, C Montano, S Feil, ...
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 285 (3), 143-148, 2009
Calculation of photoelectron spectra: A mean-field-based scheme
PM Dinh, P Romaniello, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032514, 2013
Flow analysis from cumulants: A Practical guide
N Borghini, PM Dinh, JY Ollitrault
arXiv preprint nucl-ex/0110016, 2001
On the exact treatment of time-dependent self-interaction correction
J Messud, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Annals of Physics 324 (4), 955-976, 2009
Constraints on the density dependence of the symmetry energy
MB Tsang, Y Zhang, P Danielewicz, M Famiano, Z Li, WG Lynch, ZY Sun, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics E 19 (08n09), 1631-1638, 2010
Improved Slater approximation to SIC–OEP
J Messud, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Chemical Physics Letters 461 (4-6), 316-320, 2008
Towards the analysis of attosecond dynamics in complex systems
CZ Gao, PM Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (30), 19784-19793, 2017
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