Z.J. Wang
Z.J. Wang
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ku.edu - หน้าแรก
High‐order CFD methods: current status and perspective
ZJ Wang, K Fidkowski, R Abgrall, F Bassi, D Caraeni, A Cary, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 72 (8), 811-845, 2013
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids. basic formulation: Basic formulation
ZJ Wang
Journal of computational physics 178 (1), 210-251, 2002
Spectral difference method for unstructured grids I: Basic formulation
Y Liu, M Vinokur, ZJ Wang
Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2), 780-801, 2006
A unifying lifting collocation penalty formulation including the discontinuous Galerkin, spectral volume/difference methods for conservation laws on mixed grids
ZJ Wang, H Gao
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (21), 8161-8186, 2009
High-order methods for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations on unstructured grids
ZJ Wang
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 43 (1-3), 1-41, 2007
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids IV: extension to two-dimensional systems
ZJ Wang, L Zhang, Y Liu
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (2), 716-741, 2004
Spectral difference method for unstructured grids II: extension to the Euler equations
ZJ Wang, Y Liu, G May, A Jameson
Journal of Scientific Computing 32, 45-71, 2007
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids: II. Extension to two-dimensional scalar equation
ZJ Wang, Y Liu
Journal of computational physics 179 (2), 665-697, 2002
High-Order Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Brief Review of Compact Differential Formulations on Unstructured Grids
HT Huynh, ZJ Wang, PE Vincent
High-order multidomain spectral difference method for the Navier-Stokes equations
Y Sun, ZJ Wang, Y Liu
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 301, 2007
Fast, block lower-upper symmetric Gauss-Seidel scheme for arbitrary grids
RF Chen, ZJ Wang
AIAA journal 38 (12), 2238-2245, 2000
A block LU-SGS implicit dual time-stepping algorithm for hybrid dynamic meshes
LP Zhang, ZJ Wang
Computers & fluids 33 (7), 891-916, 2004
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids III: One dimensional systems and partition optimization
ZJ Wang, Y Liu
Journal of Scientific Computing 20, 137-157, 2004
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids V: extension to three-dimensional systems
Y Liu, M Vinokur, ZJ Wang
Journal of Computational Physics 212 (2), 454-472, 2006
Spectral (finite) volume method for conservation laws on unstructured grids VI: Extension to viscous flow
Y Sun, ZJ Wang, Y Liu
Journal of Computational Physics 215 (1), 41-58, 2006
Discontinuous spectral difference method for conservation laws on unstructured grids
Y Liu, M Vinokur, ZJ Wang
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004: Proceedings of the Third International …, 2006
A fully automated Chimera methodology for multiple moving body problems
ZJ Wang, V Parthasarathy
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 33 (7), 919-938, 2000
On the stability and accuracy of the spectral difference method
K Van den Abeele, C Lacor, ZJ Wang
Journal of Scientific Computing 37, 162-188, 2008
A Quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian/Quad grid flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations
ZJ Wang
Computers & Fluids 27 (4), 529-549, 1998
A High-Order Unifying Discontinuous Formulation for theNavier-Stokes Equations on 3D Mixed Grids
T Haga, H Gao, ZJ Wang
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 6 (3), 28-56, 2011
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