Daniel Otero Peña
Daniel Otero Peña
PhD Candidate in Urban and Landscape Planning at UCLouvain
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uclouvain.be
Can water systems foster commoning practices? Analysing leverages for self-organization in urban water commons as social–ecological systems
D Perrotti, K Hyde, D Otero Peña
Sustainability Science 15 (3), 781-795, 2020
Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: Resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City
D Otero Peña, D Perrotti, E Mohareb
Journal of Industrial Ecology 26 (4), 1333-1349, 2022
Métabolisme productif: la régénération hybride de l'infrastructure urbaine dans la métropole de Lille
A Derain, D Otero Pena
Urban Metabolism research can leverage resource-sensitive planning and design of open spaces and green infrastructure.
D Perrotti, S Moosavi, D Otero Peña
The spatial dimension of urban metabolism. A design atlas of resource-sensitive urban archetypes.
D Otero Peña, D Perrotti
11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) of the …, 2023
Territory of Water Towers
C Cavalieri, A Aragone, C Grommen, B Notteboom, D Perotti, ...
Het watertorenterritorium
C Cavalieri, A Aragone, C Grommen, A Colson, B Notteboom, D Perrotti, ...
KULeuven, 2022
A bottom-up, context sensitive, and spatially explicit Urban Metabolism analysis. Alternative resource governance systems in Brussels.
D Otero Pena, D Perrotti, P Vanderstraeten
Conference on Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research for …, 2022
Bottom-up, context sensitive, and practice-based Urban Metabolism methodological approach using GIS and Social Network Analysis in Brussels
D Otero Pena, D Perrotti, P Vanderstraeten
Metabolism studies: Materiality and relationality in the anthropocene, 2022
Urban Agriculture COOP's on a Shared Landscape
J Bergers, R Carmago, S D'Altiero, E Ferrari, R de Lestrange, ...
Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: resource flows and stocks, geography, and informality in Mexico City
D Otero Pena, D Perrotti, E Mohareb
International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference ISIE Americas 2020 …, 2020
AN NOU AY, Sauvons Marie-Galante!
S Glovert, Q Wilbaux, D Otero Peña
Urban Metabolism and Alternative Resource Governance Systems. A Spatially Explicit and Fine-Grained Assessment to Advance Resource-Sensitive and Community-Inclusive Urban …
D Otero Peña, D Perrotti, P Vanderstraeten
A Spatially Explicit and Fine-Grained Assessment to Advance Resource …, 0
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