Elijah Phiri
Elijah Phiri
ชื่ออื่นๆAssociate Professor - Soil Physics
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ unza.zm
Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems
NK Van Alfen
Elsevier, 2014
Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems
NK Van Alfen
Elsevier, 2014
Water balance and maize yield following improved sesbania fallow in eastern Zambia
E Phiri, H Verplancke, F Kwesiga, P Mafongoya
Agroforestry systems 59, 197-205, 2003
Comparison of different cropland classification methods under diversified agroecological conditions in the Zambezi River Basin
J Bofana, M Zhang, M Nabil, B Wu, F Tian, W Liu, H Zeng, N Zhang, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (13), 2096, 2020
Projecting maize yield under local‐scale climate change scenarios using crop models: Sensitivity to sowing dates, cultivar, and nitrogen fertilizer rates
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene, LM Chabala
Food and Energy Security 9 (4), e231, 2020
Statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature using long ashton research station weather generator in Zambia: a case of mount makulu agriculture research station
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
American Journal of Climate Change 6 (03), 487, 2017
Climate change impact on maize (Zea mays L.) yield using crop simulation and statistical downscaling models: A review
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Sci. Res. Essays 12, 167-187, 2017
Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation in the sparsely gauged Zambezi River Basin using remote sensing and google Earth engine
H Zeng, B Wu, N Zhang, F Tian, E Phiri, W Musakwa, M Zhang, L Zhu, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (24), 2977, 2019
Effects of biochar and gypsum soil amendments on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) dry matter yield and selected soil properties under water stress
M Ngulube, AM Mweetwa, E Phiri, SMC Njoroge, H Chalwe, ...
African Journal of Agricultural Research 13 (21), 1080-1090, 2018
Trends of extreme events in precipitation and temperature during the 1963–2012 period at Mt Makulu, Zambia
C Chisanga, E Phiri, V Chinene
J. Sci. Res. Rep 15, 1-19, 2017
Evaluation of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. walp) genotypes for biological nitrogen fixation in maize-cowpea crop rotation
S Simunji, KL Munyinda, OI Lungu, AM Mweetwa, E Phiri
Sustainable Agriculture Research 8 (1), 82-93, 2019
Effects of Compost Manure on Soil Microbial Respiration, Plant-Available-Water, Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Yield and Pre-Harvest Aflatoxin Contamination
HM Chalwe, OI Lungu, AM Mweetwa, E Phiri, SMC Njoroge, ...
Peanut Science 46 (1), 42-49, 2019
Modelling climate change impacts on maize
CB Chisanga, M Moombe, P Elijah
CABI Reviews, 2022
Unravelling causes of poor crop response to applied N and P fertilizers on African soils
GW Sileshi, J Kihara, L Tamene, B Vanlauwe, E Phiri, B Jama
Experimental Agriculture 58, e7, 2022
Deforestation impact on ecosystem services in Kamfinsa sub-catchment of Kafue River Basin in Zambia
D Kasaro, E Phiri, I Nyambe
Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 11 (4), 33-45, 2019
Evaluating APSIM-and-DSSAT-CERES-Maize models under rainfed conditions using zambian rainfed maize cultivars
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Nitrogen 2 (4), 392-414, 2021
Transdisciplinary innovation in irrigated smallholder agriculture in Africa
J Froebrich, E Ludi, S Bouarfa, D Rollin, N Jovanovic, M Roble, T Ajmi, ...
Irrigation and Drainage 69, 6-22, 2020
Reliability of rain-fed maize yield simulation using LARS-WG derived CMIP5 climate data at Mount Makulu, Zambia
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
J. Agric. Sci 12 (275), 10.5539, 2020
Evaluation of sowing date and fertilization with nitrogen in maize cultivars in rainy conditions in Zambia
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
African Journal of Plant Science 13 (8), 221-230, 2019
Statistical bias correction of fifth coupled model intercomparison project data from the CGIAR research program on climate change, agriculture and food security-Climate portal …
CB Chisanga, E Phiri, VRN Chinene
Br. J. Appl. Sci. Technol 21 (4), 2017
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