Faris Gel'mukhanov
Faris Gel'mukhanov
Siberian Federal University, Russia; Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sfu-kras.ru - หน้าแรก
Resonant X-ray Raman scattering
F Gel'mukhanov, H Ågren
Physics Reports 312 (3-6), 87-330, 1999
Light-induced diffusion of gases
FK Gelmukhanov, AM Shalagin
JETP Lett. 29, 711-713, 1979
A theory of vibrational structure in the X-ray spectra of molecules
FK Gel'Mukhanov, LN Mazalov, AV Kondratenko
Chemical Physics Letters 46 (1), 133-137, 1977
Femtosecond dissociation of core-excited HCl monitored by frequency detuning
O Björneholm, S Sundin, S Svensson, RRT Marinho, AN de Brito, ...
Physical review letters 79 (17), 3150, 1997
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering with symmetry-selective excitation
F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 49 (6), 4378, 1994
Resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy of molecular oxygen
P Glans, K Gunnelin, P Skytt, JH Guo, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren, H Ågren, ...
Physical review letters 76 (14), 2448, 1996
Doppler splitting of in-flight Auger decay of dissociating oxygen molecules: the localization of delocalized core holes
O Björneholm, M Bässler, A Ausmees, I Hjelte, R Feifel, H Wang, C Miron, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (13), 2826, 2000
X-ray resonant scattering involving dissociative states
F Gelmukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 54 (1), 379, 1996
Young's double-slit experiment using core-level photoemission from N2: revisiting Cohen–Fano's two-centre interference phenomenon
XJ Liu, NA Cherepkov, SK Semenov, V Kimberg, F Gel'mukhanov, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (23), 4801, 2006
Dynamics of two-photon absorption by molecules and solutions
F Gel’mukhanov, A Baev, P Macák, Y Luo, H Ågren
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 19 (5), 937-945, 2002
X-ray Spectra of Molecules
LN Mazalov, VD Yumatov, VV Murakhtanov, FK Gel'mukhanov, ...
Science: Novosibirsk 331, 1977
Duration of x-ray Raman scattering
F Gel’mukhanov, P Sałek, T Privalov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 59 (1), 380, 1999
Symmetry-selective resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of C 60
Y Luo, H Ågren, F Gel’mukhanov, J Guo, P Skytt, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren
Physical Review B 52 (20), 14479, 1995
Resonant x-ray scattering beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation: Symmetry breaking in the oxygen resonant x-ray emission spectrum of carbon dioxide
A Cesar, F Gel’mukhanov, Y Luo, H Ågren, P Skytt, P Glans, J Guo, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (9), 3439-3456, 1997
Einstein–Bohr recoiling double-slit gedanken experiment performed at the molecular level
XJ Liu, Q Miao, F Gel'Mukhanov, M Patanen, O Travnikova, C Nicolas, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (2), 120-125, 2015
Wave-packet dynamics of resonant x-ray Raman scattering: Excitation near the Cl L I I, I I I edge of HCl
P Sałek, F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 59 (2), 1147, 1999
Observation of an anomalous decay ratio between the molecular field split levels in the S 2p core photoelectron and LVV Auger spectrum of S
S Svensson, A Ausmees, SJ Osborne, G Bray, F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren, ...
Physical review letters 72 (19), 3021, 1994
Theory of optically induced diffusion of gases
FK Gel’mukhanov, AM Shalagin
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 78, 1674, 1980
Spatial Quantum Beats in Vibrational Resonant Inelastic Soft X-Ray<? format?> Scattering at Dissociating States in Oxygen
A Pietzsch, YP Sun, F Hennies, Z Rinkevicius, HO Karlsson, T Schmitt, ...
Physical review letters 106 (15), 153004, 2011
Dynamics of resonant x-ray and Auger scattering
F Gel’mukhanov, M Odelius, SP Polyutov, A Föhlisch, V Kimberg
Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (3), 035001, 2021
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