jorid kalseth
jorid kalseth
Seniorforsker SINTEF
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sintef.no
Development of small versus large hydropower in Norway–comparison of environmental impacts
TH Bakken, H Sundt, A Ruud, A Harby
Energy Procedia 20, 185-199, 2012
Political control of administrative spending: The case of local governments in Norway
J Kalseth, J Rattsø
Economics & politics 10 (1), 63-83, 1998
Psychiatric readmissions and their association with environmental and health system characteristics: a systematic review of the literature
J Kalseth, E Lassemo, K Wahlbeck, P Haaramo, J Magnussen
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-9, 2016
Health and care service utilisation and cost over the life-span: a descriptive analysis of population data
J Kalseth, T Halvorsen
BMC health services research 20, 1-14, 2020
Trends in place of death: the role of demographic and epidemiological shifts in end-of-life care policy
J Kalseth, OM Theisen
Palliative medicine 31 (10), 964-974, 2017
Spending and overspending in local government administration: A minimum requirement approach applied to Norway
J Kalseth, J Rattsø
European Journal of Political Economy 11 (2), 239-251, 1995
Standard comparison of local mental health care systems in eight European countries
MR Gutiérrez-Colosía, L Salvador-Carulla, JA Salinas-Pérez, ...
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 28 (2), 210-223, 2019
How to improve integrated care for people with chronic conditions: Key findings from EU FP-7 Project INTEGRATE and beyond
L Borgermans, Y Marchal, L Busetto, J Kalseth, F Kasteng, K Suija, ...
International journal of integrated care 17 (4), 7, 2017
Kommunalt psykisk helse-og rusarbeid 2021: Årsverk, kompetanse og innhold i tjenestene
SO Ose, SL Kaspersen
SINTEF rapport, 2021
Developing a tool for mapping adult mental health care provision in Europe: the REMAST research protocol and its contribution to better integrated care
L Salvador-Carulla, F Amaddeo, MR Gutiérrez-Colosía, D Salazzari, ...
International journal of integrated care 15, e042, 2015
Determinants of multidimensional mental wellbeing in the oldest old: a rapid review
J Cresswell-Smith, F Amaddeo, V Donisi, AK Forsman, J Kalseth, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 54, 135-144, 2019
The REFINEMENT glossary of terms: an international terminology for mental health systems assessment
I Montagni, L Salvador-Carulla, D Mcdaid, C Straßmayr, F Endel, ...
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2018
Quality of life and service satisfaction in outpatients with severe or non-severe mental illness diagnoses
M Ådnanes, J Kalseth, SO Ose, T Ruud, J Rugkåsa, S Puntis
Quality of Life Research 28, 713-724, 2019
Factors associated with the amount of public home care received by elderly and intellectually disabled individuals in a large Norwegian municipality
Ø Døhl, H Garåsen, J Kalseth, J Magnussen
Health & Social Care in the Community 24 (3), 297-308, 2016
The balance of adult mental health care: provision of core health versus other types of care in eight European countries
G Cetrano, L Salvador-Carulla, F Tedeschi, L Rabbi, ...
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 29, e6, 2020
En komparativ analyse av spesialisthelsetjenesten i Finland, Sverige, Danmark og Norge: Aktivitet, ressursbruk og produktivitet 2005-2007
SAC Kittelsen, KS Anthun, B Kalseth, J Kalseth, V Halsteinli, J Magnussen
Report S. Trondheim 3, 2009
Instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age: a systematic review
N Martin-Maria, E Lara, J Cresswell-Smith, AK Forsman, J Kalseth, ...
Aging & Mental Health 25 (7), 1191-1205, 2021
Unplanned admissions to inpatient psychiatric treatment and services received prior to admission
SO Ose, J Kalseth, M Ådnanes, T Tveit, SE Lilleeng
Health policy 122 (4), 359-366, 2018
Relationship of place of death with care capacity and accessibility: a multilevel population study of system effects on place of death in Norway
J Kalseth, T Halvorsen
BMC health services research 20, 1-12, 2020
Variations in levels of care between nursing home patients in a public health care system
Ø Døhl, H Garåsen, J Kalseth, J Magnussen
BMC health services research 14, 1-10, 2014
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