John Grigor
John Grigor
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ abertay.ac.uk
Comparison of volatiles, phenolics, sugars, antioxidant vitamins, and sensory quality of different colored carrot varieties
C Alasalvar, JM Grigor, D Zhang, PC Quantick, F Shahidi
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 49 (3), 1410-1416, 2001
Functional food product development–Opportunities and challenges for food manufacturers
RS Khan, J Grigor, R Winger, A Win
Trends in food science & technology 30 (1), 27-37, 2013
The role of oral processing in dynamic sensory perception
KD Foster, JMV Grigor, JN Cheong, MJY Yoo, JE Bronlund, ...
Journal of Food Science 76 (2), R49-R61, 2011
Changes in phenolic compounds in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit during postharvest storage
D Zhang, PC Quantick, JM Grigor
Postharvest Biology and Technology 19 (2), 165-172, 2000
Adolescent and young adult perceptions of caffeinated energy drinks. A qualitative approach
H Bunting, A Baggett, J Grigor
Appetite 65, 132-138, 2013
Method for the static headspace analysis of carrot volatiles
C Alasalvar, JM Grigor, PC Quantick
Food Chemistry 65 (3), 391-397, 1999
The sensory acceptance of fibre‐enriched cereal foods: a meta‐analysis
JM Grigor, CS Brennan, SC Hutchings, DS Rowlands
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 51 (1), 3-13, 2016
Temporal dominance of sensations: A comparison between younger and older subjects for the perception of food texture
SC Hutchings, KD Foster, JMV Grigor, JE Bronlund, MP Morgenstern
Food Quality and Preference 31, 106-115, 2014
A comparative study of effects of nitrogen and argon on tyrosinase and malic dehydrogenase activities
D Zhang, PC Quantick, JM Grigor, R Wiktorowicz, J Irven
Food Chemistry 72 (1), 45-49, 2001
Changes in sensory perception of sports drinks when consumed pre, during and post exercise
A Ali, L Duizer, K Foster, J Grigor, W Wei
Physiology & behavior 102 (5), 437-443, 2011
Practical evaluation of fish quality by objective, subjective, and statistical testing
C Alasalvar, JM Grigor, Z Ali
Handbook of seafood quality, safety and health applications, 11-28, 2010
Comparison of three approaches to assess the flavour characteristics of scotch whisky spirit
M Daute, F Jack, I Baxter, B Harrison, J Grigor, G Walker
Applied sciences 11 (4), 1410, 2021
The application of temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) for oral processing studies: An initial investigation
JN Cheong, KD Foster, MP Morgenstern, JMV Grigor, JE Bronlund, ...
Journal of Texture Studies 45 (6), 409-419, 2014
Aroma Compounds of Fresh and Stored Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
C Alasalvar, PC Quantick, JM Grigor
Differentiating aspects of product innovation processes in the food industry: An exploratory study on New Zealand
RS Khan, JV Grigor, AG Win, M Boland
British Food Journal 116 (8), 1346-1368, 2014
Identification of proton type in concentrated sweet solutions by pulsed NMR analysis
GG Birch, J Grigor, W Derbyshire
Journal of solution chemistry 18, 795-801, 1989
Modification of aftertaste with a menthol mouthwash reduces food wanting, liking, and ad libitum intake of potato crisps
SC Hutchings, KM Horner, VA Dible, JMV Grigor, D O'Riordan
Appetite 108, 57-67, 2017
Do taste receptors respond to perturbation of water structure?
SE Kemp, JM Grigor, GG Birch
Experientia 48, 731-733, 1992
Solution properties and composition of dextrins
GG Birch, MN Azudin, JM Grigor
Mopane worm value chain in Zimbabwe: Evidence on knowledge, practices, and processes in Gwanda District
FA Manditsera, J Mubaiwa, TM Matsungo, P Chopera, S Bhatasara, ...
Plos one 17 (12), e0278230, 2022
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