Eungyu Park
Eungyu Park
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ knu.ac.kr
GIS mapping of regional probabilistic groundwater potential in the area of Pohang City, Korea
HJ Oh, YS Kim, JK Choi, E Park, S Lee
Journal of Hydrology 399 (3-4), 158-172, 2011
Modeling field‐scale dense nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution kinetics in heterogeneous aquifers
JC Parker, E Park
Water Resources Research 40 (5), 2004
Analytical solutions of contaminant transport from finite one-, two-, and three-dimensional sources in a finite-thickness aquifer
E Park, H Zhan
Journal of contaminant hydrology 53 (1-2), 41-61, 2001
A simple model for water table fluctuations in response to precipitation
E Park, JC Parker
Journal of Hydrology 356 (3-4), 344-349, 2008
Comparative applications of data-driven models representing water table fluctuations
J Jeong, E Park
Journal of Hydrology 572, 261-273, 2019
Evaluation of potential nonisothermal processes and heat transport during CO2 sequestration
WS Han, GA Stillman, M Lu, C Lu, BJ McPherson, E Park
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B7), 2010
Hydraulics of a finite-diameter horizontal well with wellbore storage and skin effect
E Park, H Zhan
Advances in water resources 25 (4), 389-400, 2002
Characteristics of CO2‐driven cold‐water geyser, Crystal Geyser in Utah: experimental observation and mechanism analyses
WS Han, M Lu, BJ McPherson, EH Keating, J Moore, E Park, ZT Watson, ...
Geofluids 13 (3), 283-297, 2013
On the horizontal-well pumping tests in anisotropic confined aquifers
H Zhan, LV Wang, E Park
Journal of Hydrology 252 (1-4), 37-50, 2001
Experimental and numerical study on supercritical CO2/brine transport in a fractured rock: Implications of mass transfer, capillary pressure and storage capacity
J Oh, KY Kim, WS Han, T Kim, JC Kim, E Park
Advances in Water Resources 62, 442-453, 2013
Evaluation of an upscaled model for DNAPL dissolution kinetics in heterogeneous aquifers
E Park, JC Parker
Advances in Water Resources 28 (12), 1280-1291, 2005
Horizontal well hydraulics in leaky aquifers
H Zhan, E Park
Journal of hydrology 281 (1-2), 129-146, 2003
Numerical solution of the Kirchhoff-transformed Richards equation for simulating variably saturated flow in heterogeneous layered porous media
H Suk, E Park
Journal of Hydrology 579, 124213, 2019
Identifying outliers of non-Gaussian groundwater state data based on ensemble estimation for long-term trends
J Jeong, E Park, WS Han, K Kim, S Choung, IM Chung
Journal of Hydrology 548, 135-144, 2017
Hydraulics of horizontal wells in fractured shallow aquifer systems
E Park, H Zhan
Journal of hydrology 281 (1-2), 147-158, 2003
Estimation of groundwater level based on the robust training of recurrent neural networks using corrupted data
J Jeong, E Park, H Chen, KY Kim, WS Han, H Suk
Journal of Hydrology 582, 124512, 2020
Sensitivity study of simulation parameters controlling CO2 trapping mechanisms in saline formations
WS Han, KY Kim, RP Esser, E Park, BJ McPherson
Transport in porous media 90 (3), 807-829, 2011
Vapor flow to horizontal wells in unsaturated zones
H Zhan, E Park
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66 (3), 710-721, 2002
Modeling of Spatiotemporal Thermal Response to CO2 Injection in Saline Formations: Interpretation for Monitoring
WS Han, KY Kim, E Park, BJ McPherson, SY Lee, MH Park
Transport in porous media 93, 381-399, 2012
Delineation of recharge rate from a hybrid water table fluctuation method
E Park
Water Resources Research 48 (7), 2012
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