Ismail Colkesen
Ismail Colkesen
ชื่ออื่นๆİsmail Çölkesen, I Colkesen, Colkesen, I.
Assoc Professor of Geomatics Engineering, Gebze Technical University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ gtu.edu.tr
A kernel functions analysis for support vector machines for land cover classification
T Kavzoglu, I Colkesen
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 11 (5 …, 2009
Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis, support vector machines, and logistic regression
T Kavzoglu, EK Sahin, I Colkesen
Landslides 11, 425-439, 2014
Destek vektör makineleri ile uydu görüntülerinin sınıflandırılmasında kernel fonksiyonlarının etkilerinin incelenmesi
T Kavzoğlu, İ Çölkesen
Harita Dergisi 144 (7), 73-82, 2010
Susceptibility Mapping of Shallow Landslides Using Kernel-Based Gaussian Process, Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression
I Colkesen, EK Sahin, T Kavzoglu
Journal of African Earth Sciences 118 (2016), 53-64, 2016
Selecting optimal conditioning factors in shallow translational landslide susceptibility mapping using genetic algorithm
T Kavzoglu, EK Sahin, I Colkesen
Engineering Geology 192, 101-112, 2015
Machine learning techniques in landslide susceptibility mapping: a survey and a case study
T Kavzoglu, I Colkesen, EK Sahin
Landslides: Theory, practice and modelling, 283-301, 2019
An assessment of multivariate and bivariate approaches in landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study of Duzkoy district
T Kavzoglu, E Kutlug Sahin, I Colkesen
Natural Hazards 76, 471-496, 2015
A comparative assessment of canonical correlation forest, random forest, rotation forest and logistic regression methods for landslide susceptibility mapping
EK Sahin, I Colkesen, T Kavzoglu
Geocarto International 35 (4), 341-363, 2020
Karar ağaçları ile uydu görüntülerinin sınıflandırılması
T Kavzoğlu, İ Çölkesen
Harita Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi 2 (1), 36-45, 2010
Monitoring the changing position of coastlines using aerial and satellite image data: an example from the eastern coast of Trabzon, Turkey
FA Sesli, F Karsli, I Colkesen, N Akyol
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 153, 391-403, 2009
Object-based classification with rotation forest ensemble learning algorithm using very-high-resolution WorldView-2 image
T Kavzoglu, C Ismail, Y Tahsin
REMOTE SENSING LETTERS 6 (11), 834-843, 2015
An assessment of the effectiveness of a rotation forest ensemble for land-use and land-cover mapping
T Kavzoglu, I Colkesen
International journal of remote sensing 34 (12), 4224-4241, 2013
Performance analysis of advanced decision tree-based ensemble learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping
E Kutlug Sahin, I Colkesen
Geocarto International 36 (11), 1253-1275, 2021
Developing comprehensive geocomputation tools for landslide susceptibility mapping: LSM tool pack
EK Sahin, I Colkesen, SS Acmali, A Akgun, AC Aydinoglu
Computers & Geosciences 144, 104592, 2020
Uzaktan algılamada ileri sınıflandırma tekniklerinin karşılaştırılması ve analizi
ismail çölkesen
Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, 2009
Ensemble-based canonical correlation forest (CCF) for land use and land cover classification using sentinel-2 and Landsat OLI imagery
I Colkesen, T Kavzoglu
Remote Sensing Letters 8 (11), 1082-1091, 2017
The use of logistic model tree (LMT) for pixel-and object-based classifications using high-resolution WorldView-2 imagery
I Colkesen, T Kavzoglu
Geocarto International 32, 71-86, 2017
Uzaktan Algılama Teknolojileri ve Uygulama Alanları
T Kavzoğlu, İ Çölkesen
Türkiye’de Sürdürülebilir Arazi Yönetimi Çalıştayı (26-27 Mayıs), Editörler …, 2012
Implementing a mass valuation application on interoperable land valuation data model designed as an extension of the national GDI
AC Aydinoglu, R Bovkir, I Colkesen
Survey review 53 (379), 349-365, 2021
The use of object-based image analysis for monitoring 2021 marine mucilage bloom in the sea of marmara
T Kavzoğlu, H Tonbul, İ Çölkesen, UG Sefercik
International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 8 (4), 529-536, 2021
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