Keiko Veronica Ono Fonseca
Keiko Veronica Ono Fonseca
Professor Titular, Engenharia Eletrônica e Computação, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ utfpr.edu.br
Evaluating Electric Bus Operation for a Real-World BRT Public Transportation Using Simulation Optimization
MT Sebastiani, KVO Lüders, Ricardo, Fonseca
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (10), 2777 - 2786, 2016
Well-to-Wheel analysis of fossil energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for conventional, hybrid-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric city buses in the BRT system in Curitiba …
D Dreier, S Silveira, D Khatiwada, KVO Fonseca, R Nieweglowski, ...
Transportation research Part D: transport and environment 58, 122-138, 2018
An integrated big and fast data analytics platform for smart urban transportation management
S Fiore, D Elia, CE Pires, DG Mestre, C Cappiello, M Vitali, N Andrade, ...
IEEE access 7, 117652-117677, 2019
A reduced model for complex network analysis of public transportation systems
AA De Bona, M de Oliveira Rosa, KVO Fonseca, R Lüders
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 567, 125715, 2021
Analysis of Public Bus Transportation of a Brazilian City Based on the Theory of Complex Networks Using the P-Space
AA de Bona, K Fonseca, MO Rosa, RM Delgado
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 (January 2016), 1-12, 2016
Vehicle-Rear: A new dataset to explore feature fusion for vehicle identification using convolutional neural networks
IO De Oliveira, R Laroca, D Menotti, KVO Fonseca, R Minetto
IEEE Access 9, 101065-101077, 2021
Distributed diagnosis of dynamic events in partitionable arbitrary topology networks
EP Duarte, A Weber, KVO Fonseca
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 23 (8), 1415-1426, 2011
A two-stream siamese neural network for vehicle re-identification by using non-overlapping cameras
IO de Oliveira, KVO Fonseca, R Minetto
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 669-673, 2019
The influence of passenger load, driving cycle, fuel price and different types of buses on the cost of transport service in the BRT system in Curitiba, Brazil
D Dreier, S Silveira, D Khatiwada, KVO Fonseca, R Nieweglowski, ...
Transportation 46 (6), 2195-2242, 2019
Exploratory Analysis of Public Transportation Data in Curitiba
NP Kozievitch, TMC Gadda, K Fonseca, M Rosa, LC Gomez-Jr, M Akbar
43o Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, 1656-1666, 2016
Collusion and fraud detection on electronic energy meters-a use case of forensics investigation procedures
RA De Faria, KVO Fonseca, B Schneider, SK Nguang
2014 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 65-68, 2014
Allocation of charging stations in an electric vehicle network using simulation optimization
MT Sebastiani, R Lüders, KVO Fonseca
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014, 1073-1083, 2014
Urban mobility challenges–an exploratory analysis of public transportation data in curitiba
JJR Vila, NP Kozievitch, TMC Gadda, K Fonseca, MO Rosa, LC Gomes-Jr, ...
Revista de Informática Aplicada 12 (1), 2016
Modeling Weight Round Robin Packet Scheduler With Petri Nets, Communication Systems
CM Pedroso, K Fonseca
IEEE 1, 342-345, 2002
Secure end-to-end processing of smart metering data
A Brito, C Fetzer, S Köpsell, P Pietzuch, M Pasin, P Felber, K Fonseca, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing 8, 1-13, 2019
Combining K-means Method and Complex Network Analysis to Evaluate City Mobility
ELC Silva, NP Kozievitch, K Fonseca, M Rosa, R Luders
19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2016
Hyperbone: A scalable overlay network based on a virtual hypercube
LCE Bona, KVO Fonseca, EP Duarte
NOMS 2008-2008 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1025-1030, 2008
Hyperbone: Uma rede overlay baseada em hipercubo virtual sobre a internet
LCE Bona, EP Duarte Jr, SLV Mello, KVO Fonseca
XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, 2006
Vehicle re-identification: exploring feature fusion using multi-stream convolutional networks
IO Oliveira, R Laroca, D Menotti, KVO Fonseca, R Minetto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05541, 1-11, 2019
Badminton: manual de fundamentos e exercícios
Curitiba: MM Ono, 2012
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