Jiri Vackar
Jiri Vackar
Institute of Physics ASCR
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ fzu.cz - หน้าแรก
Hardness of covalent and ionic crystals: first-principle calculations
A Šimůnek, J Vackář
Physical review letters 96 (8), 085501, 2006
All-electron pseudopotentials
J Vackář, M Hyt'ha, A Šimůnek
Physical Review B 58 (19), 12712, 1998
dftatom: A robust and general Schrödinger and Dirac solver for atomic structure calculations
O Čertík, JE Pask, J Vackář
Computer Physics Communications 184 (7), 1777-1791, 2013
Local s, p and d charge distributions and x-ray emission bands of SiO2: alpha-quartz and stishovite
A Simunek, J Vackar, G Wiech
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (7), 867, 1993
Co monolayers and adatoms on Pd (100), Pd (111), and Pd (110): Anisotropy of magnetic properties
O Šipr, S Bornemann, H Ebert, S Mankovsky, J Vackář, J Minár
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (6), 064411, 2013
Adaptability and accuracy of all-electron pseudopotentials
J Vackář, A Šimůnek
Physical Review B 67 (12), 125113, 2003
Convergence study of isogeometric analysis based on Bézier extraction in electronic structure calculations
R Cimrman, M Novák, R Kolman, M Tůma, J Plešek, J Vackář
Applied Mathematics and Computation 319, 138-152, 2018
Isogeometric analysis in electronic structure calculations
R Cimrman, M Novák, R Kolman, M Tůma, J Vackář
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 145, 125-135, 2018
Correlation between core-level shift and bulk modulus in transition-metal carbides and nitrides
A Simunek, J Vackar
Physical Review B 64 (23), 2001
Symmetrization of atomic forces within the full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave method
A Di Pomponio, A Continenza, R Podloucky, J Vackář
Physical Review B 53 (15), 9505, 1996
Correlation between core-level shift and bulk modulus in transition-metal carbides and nitrides
A Šimůnek, J Vackář
Physical Review B 64 (23), 235115, 2001
X-ray-absorption near-edge structure of and ZnSe: Experiment and theory
O Šipr, P Machek, A Šimůnek, J Vackář, J Horák
Physical Review B 56 (20), 13151, 1997
Modelling the valence electronic structure of the core region of an atom in a solid within a local-density approximation pseudopotential framework: reintroduction of the full …
J Vackar, A Simunek
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (16), 3025, 1994
Phase-shift technique for generating generalized norm-conserving semilocal pseudopotentials
J Vackář, A Šimunek
Solid state communications 81 (10), 837-840, 1992
Core energy levels of Sc and N and their variation with coordination number in ScN
A Šimůnek, J Vackář, K Kunc
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (4), 045110, 2005
Selection rules and extended x-ray bremsstrahlung isochromat spectra of Cu and Pd
A Šimůnek, J Vackář, E Sobczak
Physical Review B 38 (12), 8515, 1988
Ab initio pseudopotentials for interacting atoms
J Vackář, A Šimůnek, R Podloucky
Physical Review B 53 (12), 7727, 1996
Diamond-like hydrogenated amorphous carbon films studied by X-ray emission spectroscopy
G Wiech, N Auer, J Vackář, A Hammerschmidt, G Rittmayer
Diamond and related materials 6 (8), 944-951, 1997
Integration of free-free radiative-transition matrix elements
J Vackář, A Šimůnek, O Šipr
Computer physics communications 66 (2-3), 259-265, 1991
Finite element method in density functional theory electronic structure calculations
J Vackář, O Čertík, R Cimrman, M Novák, O Šipr, J Plešek
Advances in the Theory of Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, 199-217, 2012
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