Vishal Gupta
Vishal Gupta
Bennett University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ bennett.edu.in - หน้าแรก
A survey of text mining techniques and applications
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 1 (1), 60-76, 2009
A survey of text summarization extractive techniques
V Gupta, GS Lehal
Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 2 (3), 258-268, 2010
Recent automatic text summarization techniques: a survey
M Gambhir, V Gupta
Artificial Intelligence Review 47 (1), 1-66, 2017
Recent named entity recognition and classification techniques: a systematic review
A Goyal, V Gupta, M Kumar
Computer Science Review 29, 21-43, 2018
New insights into the biodiversity and applications of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)—Prospects and challenges
V Gupta, SK Ratha, A Sood, V Chaudhary, R Prasanna
Algal research 2 (2), 79-97, 2013
A survey of text question answering techniques
P Gupta, V Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications 53 (4), 2012
Rediscovering cyanobacteria as valuable sources of bioactive compounds
R Prasanna, A Sood, P Jaiswal, S Nayak, V Gupta, V Chaudhary, M Joshi, ...
Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 46, 119-134, 2010
Cyanobacteria mediated plant growth promotion and bioprotection against Fusarium wilt in tomato
R Prasanna, V Chaudhary, V Gupta, S Babu, A Kumar, R Singh, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 136, 337-353, 2013
Evaluation of fungicidal activity of extracellular filtrates of cyanobacteria–possible role of hydrolytic enzymes
R Prasanna, L Nain, R Tripathi, V Gupta, V Chaudhary, S Middha, M Joshi, ...
Journal of basic microbiology 48 (3), 186-194, 2008
A survey on sentiment analysis and opinion mining techniques
A Kaur, V Gupta
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 5 (4), 367-371, 2013
Minimization of kerf taper angle and kerf width using Taguchi's method in abrasive water jet machining of marble
V Gupta, PM Pandey, MP Garg, R Khanna, NK Batra
Procedia Materials Science 6, 140-149, 2014
The characteristics and trends in adrenocortical carcinoma: a United States population based study
E Sharma, S Dahal, P Sharma, A Bhandari, V Gupta, B Amgai, S Dahal
Journal of clinical medicine research 10 (8), 636, 2018
Effective approaches for extraction of keywords
J Kaur, V Gupta
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 7 (6), 144, 2010
Text stemming: Approaches, applications, and challenges
J Singh, V Gupta
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 49 (3), 1-46, 2016
Molecular and cellular paradigms of multidrug resistance in cancer
FU Vaidya, A Sufiyan Chhipa, V Mishra, VK Gupta, SG Rawat, A Kumar, ...
Cancer reports 5 (12), e1291, 2022
Japanese encephalitis virus replication is negatively regulated by autophagy and occurs on LC3-I-and EDEM1-containing membranes
M Sharma, S Bhattacharyya, M Nain, M Kaur, V Sood, V Gupta, R Khasa, ...
Autophagy 10 (9), 1637-1651, 2014
Intelligent condition based monitoring of rotating machines using sparse auto-encoders
NK Verma, VK Gupta, M Sharma, RK Sevakula
2013 IEEE Conference on prognostics and health management (PHM), 1-7, 2013
A systematic review of text stemming techniques
J Singh, V Gupta
Artificial Intelligence Review 48, 157-217, 2017
Bioefficacy of novel cyanobacteria-amended formulations in suppressing damping off disease in tomato seedlings
V Chaudhary, R Prasanna, L Nain, SC Dubey, V Gupta, R Singh, S Jaggi, ...
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 28, 3301-3310, 2012
Wearable sensor-based pattern mining for human activity recognition: Deep learning approach
V Bijalwan, VB Semwal, V Gupta
Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and …, 2022
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