Shuo Xu
Bayesian Naïve Bayes classifiers to text classification
S Xu
Journal of Information Science 44 (1), 48-59, 2018
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles
M Krallinger, O Rabal, F Leitner, M Vazquez, D Salgado, Z Lu, R Leaman, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-17, 2015
Multi-output least-squares support vector regression machines
S Xu, X An, X Qiao, L Zhu, L Li
Pattern recognition letters 34 (9), 1078-1084, 2013
Bayesian multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier to text classification
S Xu, Y Li, Z Wang
Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering: MUE/FutureTech 2017 11, 347-352, 2017
A deep learning based method for extracting semantic information from patent documents
L Chen, S Xu, L Zhu, J Zhang, X Lei, G Yang
Scientometrics 125, 289-312, 2020
Emerging research topics detection with multiple machine learning models
S Xu, L Hao, X An, G Yang, F Wang
Journal of Informetrics 13 (4), 100983, 2019
Anchor-free localization method for mobile targets in coal mine wireless sensor networks
Z Pei, Z Deng, S Xu, X Xu
Sensors 9 (4), 2836-2850, 2009
A topic models based framework for detecting and forecasting emerging technologies
S Xu, L Hao, G Yang, K Lu, X An
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 162, 120366, 2021
Artificial intelligence and social media on academic performance and mental well-being: Student perceptions of positive impact in the age of smart learning
MF Shahzad, S Xu, WM Lim, X Yang, QR Khan
Heliyon 10 (8), 2024
Multi-task least-squares support vector machines
S Xu, X An, X Qiao, L Zhu
Multimedia tools and applications 71, 699-715, 2014
Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention to initiate new ventures: evidence from university students
JM Martins, MF Shahzad, S Xu
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 12 (1), 63, 2023
Review on emerging research topics with key-route main path analysis
S Xu, L Hao, X An, H Pang, T Li
Scientometrics 122, 607-624, 2020
Author-Topic over Time (AToT): a dynamic users’ interest model
S Xu, Q Shi, X Qiao, L Zhu, H Jung, S Lee, SP Choi
Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing: MUSIC 2013, 239-245, 2014
Reviews on determining the number of clusters
S Xu, X Qiao, L Zhu, Y Zhang, C Xue, L Li
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 10 (4), 1493-1512, 2016
Cryptocurrency awareness, acceptance, and adoption: the role of trust as a cornerstone
MF Shahzad, S Xu, WM Lim, MF Hasnain, S Nusrat
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-14, 2024
Assessing the impact of AI-chatbot service quality on user e-brand loyalty through chatbot user trust, experience and electronic word of mouth
MF Shahzad, S Xu, X An, I Javed
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 79, 103867, 2024
Investigating the impact of artificial intelligence on human resource functions in the health sector of China: A mediated moderation model
MF Shahzad, S Xu, W Naveed, S Nusrat, I Zahid
Heliyon 9 (11), 2023
An improved patent similarity measurement based on entities and semantic relations
X An, J Li, S Xu, L Chen, W Sun
Journal of informetrics 15 (2), 101135, 2021
Types of DOI errors of cited references in Web of Science with a cleaning method
S Xu, L Hao, X An, D Zhai, H Pang
Scientometrics 120, 1427-1437, 2019
A novel method for topic linkages between scientific publications and patents
S Xu, D Zhai, F Wang, X An, H Pang, Y Sun
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70 (9 …, 2019
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