M. Muñoz-Márquez
M. Muñoz-Márquez
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uca.es
Estadística Básica con R y R-Commander
AJ Arriaza-Gómez, F Fernández-Palacín, MA López-Sánchez, ...
Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2008
The generalized Weber problem with expected distances
E Carrizosa, E Conde, M Munoz-Marquez, J Puerto
RAIRO-Operations Research 29 (1), 35-57, 1995
Some personal views on the current state and the future of locational analysis
P Avella, S Benati, LC Martinez, K Dalby, D Di Girolamo, B Dimitrijevic, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 104 (2), 269-287, 1998
The Weber problem with regional demand
E Carrizosa, M Muñoz-Márquez, J Puerto
European Journal of Operational Research 104 (2), 358-365, 1998
Admission policies in loss queueing models with heterogeneous arrivals
E Carrizosa, E Conde, M Munoz-Marquez
Management Science 44 (3), 311-320, 1998
Planar point-objective location problems with nonconvex constraints: a geometrical construction
E Carrizosa, E Conde, M Muñoz-Marquez, J Puerto
Journal of Global Optimization 6, 77-86, 1995
Do men and women perform academic work differently?
AM González Ramos, F Fernández Palacín, M Muñoz Márquez
Tertiary Education and Management 21, 263-276, 2015
Location and shape of a rectangular facility in ℝn. Convexity properties. Convexity properties
E Carrizosa, M Muñoz-Márquez, J Puerto
Mathematical programming 83 (1), 277-290, 1998
Instructional Media as a Tool for Ensuring Quality Teaching and Learning for Pupils in the Junior High Schools: Selected Schools in the Kumasi Metropolis
OK Seth
Unpublished MA Thesis. Kumasi: Faculty of Fine Art, College of Art and …, 2009
A note on the optimal positioning of service units
E Carrizosa, M Muñoz-Márquez, J Puerto
Operations Research 46 (1), 155-156, 1998
Idoneidad de los indicadores de calidad de la producción científica y de la investigación1/Appropriateness of quality indicators of the scientific and research production
AMG Ramos
Política y sociedad 43 (2), 199-215, 2006
Diseño de encuesta sobre las metodologías y la actividad científica de los equipos de investigación.
AMG Ramos, FF Palacín, MM Márquez
Metodología de encuestas 6 (2), 133-145, 2004
Simpson points in planar problems with locational constraints. The polyhedral-gauge case
E Carrizosa, E Conde, M Muñoz-Márquez, J Puerto
Mathematics of Operations Research 22 (2), 291-300, 1997
Stepwise selection of variables in DEA using contribution loads
F Fernandez-Palacin, MA Lopez-Sanchez, M Munõz-Márquez
Pesquisa Operacional 38 (1), 31-52, 2018
El eterno retorno del populismo en América Latina y el Caribe
M Márquez, E Pastrana, G Hoyos
Bogotá, Colombia: CLACSO/Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2012
Efectos beneficiosos del karate sobre la propiocepción y la coordinación en jóvenes con síndrome de Down: seguimiento a dos años
F Garrido, M Muñoz, P García, M Salado
Elsevier España, 2015
Estadística asistida por ordenador. Statgraphics Plus 4.1
F Fernández Palacín, MA López Sánchez, M Muñoz Márquez, ...
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2000
Simpson points in planar problems with locational constraints. The round-norm case
E Carrizosa, E Conde, M Muñoz-Márquez, J Puerto
Mathematics of Operations Research 22 (2), 276-290, 1997
New formulations and solutions for the strategic berth template problem
E Fernández, M Munoz-Marquez
European Journal of Operational Research 298 (1), 99-117, 2022
Methodology for calculating critical values of relevance measures in variable selection methods in data envelopment analysis
J Villanueva-Cantillo, M Munoz-Marquez
European Journal of Operational Research 290 (2), 657-670, 2021
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