Yue Sun
Yue Sun
Aoyama Gaguin University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ phys.aoyama.ac.jp - หน้าแรก
Zero-energy vortex bound state in the superconducting topological surface state of Fe (Se, Te)
T Machida, Y Sun, S Pyon, S Takeda, Y Kohsaka, T Hanaguri, ...
Nature materials 18 (8), 811-815, 2019
Multiple topological states in iron-based superconductors
P Zhang, Z Wang, X Wu, K Yaji, Y Ishida, Y Kohama, G Dai, Y Sun, ...
Nature Physics 15 (1), 41-47, 2019
Dynamics and mechanism of oxygen annealing in Fe1+yTe0.6Se0.4 single crystal
Y Sun, Y Tsuchiya, T Taen, T Yamada, S Pyon, A Sugimoto, T Ekino, Z Shi, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 4585, 2014
Electron carriers with possible Dirac-cone-like dispersion in ( and 0.14) single crystals triggered by structural transition
Y Sun, S Pyon, T Tamegai
Physical Review B 93 (10), 104502, 2016
Critical current density, vortex dynamics, and phase diagram of single-crystal FeSe
Y Sun, S Pyon, T Tamegai, R Kobayashi, T Watashige, S Kasahara, ...
Physical Review B 92 (14), 144509, 2015
Effect of Gd substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of YFeO3 ceramics
X Yuan, Y Sun, M Xu
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 196, 362-366, 2012
Domain Meissner state and spontaneous vortex-antivortex generation in the ferromagnetic superconductor EuFe2(As0.79P0.21)2
VS Stolyarov, IS Veshchunov, SY Grebenchuk, DS Baranov, ...
Science advances 4 (7), eaat1061, 2018
Multiband effects and possible Dirac fermions in
Y Sun, T Taen, T Yamada, S Pyon, T Nishizaki, Z Shi, T Tamegai
Physical Review B 89 (14), 144512, 2014
Effects of annealing, acid and alcoholic beverages on Fe1+ yTe0. 6Se0. 4
Y Sun, T Taen, Y Tsuchiya, ZX Shi, T Tamegai
Superconductor Science and Technology 26 (1), 015015, 2012
Structure and magnetic properties of Y1− xLuxFeO3 (0≤ x≤ 1) ceramics
X Yuan, Y Tang, Y Sun, M Xu
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (5), 2012
Review of annealing effects and superconductivity in Fe1+ yTe1− xSex superconductors
Y Sun, Z Shi, T Tamegai
Superconductor Science and Technology 32 (10), 103001, 2019
Large, homogeneous, and isotropic critical current density in oxygen-annealed Fe1+ yTe0. 6Se0. 4 single crystal
Y Sun, T Taen, Y Tsuchiya, Q Ding, S Pyon, Z Shi, T Tamegai
Applied Physics Express 6 (4), 043101, 2013
Pair-breaking effects induced by 3-MeV proton irradiation in BaKFeAs
T Taen, F Ohtake, H Akiyama, H Inoue, Y Sun, S Pyon, T Tamegai, ...
Physical Review B 88 (22), 224514, 2013
Quasiparticle Evidence for the Nematic State above in
Y Sun, S Kittaka, T Sakakibara, K Machida, J Wang, J Wen, X Xing, Z Shi, ...
Physical review letters 123 (2), 027002, 2019
Influence of interstitial Fe to the phase diagram of Fe1+yTe1−xSex single crystals
Y Sun, T Yamada, S Pyon, T Tamegai
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32290, 2016
Significant contribution of As orbitals to the low-lying electronic structure of the 112-type iron-based superconductor
MY Li, ZT Liu, W Zhou, HF Yang, DW Shen, W Li, J Jiang, XH Niu, BP Xie, ...
Physical Review B 91 (4), 045112, 2015
Magnetic relaxation and collective vortex creep in FeTe0. 6Se0. 4 single crystal
Y Sun, T Taen, Y Tsuchiya, S Pyon, Z Shi, T Tamegai
Europhysics Letters 103 (5), 57013, 2013
Gap structure of FeSe determined by angle-resolved specific heat measurements in applied rotating magnetic field
Y Sun, S Kittaka, S Nakamura, T Sakakibara, K Irie, T Nomoto, K Machida, ...
Physical Review B 96 (22), 220505, 2017
Anisotropic superconductivity of Ca1− xLaxFeAs2 (x∼ 0.18) single crystal
W Zhou, J Zhuang, F Yuan, X Li, X Xing, Y Sun, Z Shi
Applied Physics Express 7 (6), 063102, 2014
Enhancement of critical current density and mechanism of vortex pinning in H+-irradiated FeSe single crystal
Y Sun, S Pyon, T Tamegai, R Kobayashi, T Watashige, S Kasahara, ...
Applied Physics Express 8 (11), 113102, 2015
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