Harry Pramono
Harry Pramono
Lecturer in Physical Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ mail.unnes.ac.id
Perspektif olahraga petanque dalam mendukung prestasi olahraga jawa tengah
GB Laksana, H Pramono, SB Mukarromah
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 6 (1), 36-43, 2017
Pengaruh sistem pembinaan, sarana prasarana dan pendidikan latihan terhadap kompetensi kinerja guru pendidikan jasmani sekolah dasar di kota Semarang
H Pramono
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan 29 (1), 2012
Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Senam Lantai Berbasis Android Pada Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Di Sma
F Titting, T Hidayah, H Pramono
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 5 (2), 120-126, 2016
Pembinaan Olahraga Sepakbola di Klub Indonesia Muda Purwokerto Kabupaten Banyumas
P Ghozali, S Sulaiman, H Pramono
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 6 (1), 76-82, 2017
Kontribusi percaya diri, konsentrasi dan motivasi terhadap kinerja wasit persatuan sepak bola seluruh Indonesia Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
DD Kuswoyo, H Pramono, AR RC
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 6 (3), 241-247, 2017
Kompetensi penyuluh tenaga harian lepas tenaga bantu penyuluh pertanian di kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat
H Pramono, A Fatchiya, D Sadono
Jurnal Penyuluhan 13 (2), 194-209, 2017
Income is not enough: the effect of economic incentives on forest product conservation
E Wollenberg, AA Nawir, A Uluk, H Pramono
Center for International Forestry Research., 2022
Efektivitas Booklet dan Permainan Tebak Gambar Dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa Kelas IV Terhadap Karies Gigi di SD Negeri 01, 02, dan 03 Bandengan Kecamatan …
DR Fitriastutik, H Pramono, I Budiono, M Azam, HCS Widya, I Zainafree
Skripsi available at https://lib. unnes. ac. id/2970/1/6519. pdf, 2010
The effect of plyometrics exercise through agility ladder drill on improving physical abilities of 13–15-year-old volleyball players
H Pramono, T Rahayu, D Yudhistira
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 23 (2), 199-206, 2023
Evaluasi program pembinaan prestasi pencak silat
RA Winata, S Rahayu, H Pramono
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 4 (1), 2015
Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Adaptif Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Anak Tunagrhita di SLB Negeri Cendono Kabupaten Kudus
NR Febriyanti, H Pramono
Indonesian Journal for Physical Education and Sport 3 (1), 333-39, 2022
Income is not enough: the effect of economic incentives on forest product conservation: a comparison of forest communities dependent on the agroforests of Krui, Sumatra and …
EK Wollenberg, AA Nawir, A Uluk, H Pramono
The effect of endurance and leg muscle strength training method on the increase of VO2Max
AA Dhuha, S Sulaiman, H Pramono
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (6), 275-280, 2019
Pengembangan Alat Sensor Gerak Pada Garis Servis Double Event Dalam Permainan Sepaktakraw
I Dianawati, H Pramono, OWK Handayani
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 6 (3), 272-278, 2017
Efektivitas media pembelajaran permainan tradisional gobak sodor untuk meningkatkan motorik kasar siswa tunagrahita ringan di SLB
B Julianus, H Pramono
Indonesian Journal for Physical Education and Sport 2 (2), 439-446, 2021
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Dan motivasi Belajar Siswa terhadap Hasil Belajar Sepakbola
PB Kurniawan, H Pramono, F Fakhruddin
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 5 (1), 32-40, 2016
Model Permainan Bola Tangan Gawang Hidup Melalui Pendekatan Lingkungan SD Negeri 2 Ngesrepbalong Tahun 2012
U Prasojo, H Pramono, T Nurharsono
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation 1 (4), 2012
The influence of physical education teacher performance on elementary students’ character building
H Pramono, S Nurafiati, T Rahayu, S Sugiharto
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan 42 (1), 220-231, 2023
Effects of Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and Motor Educability on Players Ability to Tact in Soccer Games
W Kurniawan, H Pramono, R Rumini
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 9 (1), 44-49, 2020
The Evaluation of The Founding Program of Badminton Clubs Aged 10-11 Years in Semarang City
A Meiyanto, N Nasuka, H Pramono
Journal of Physical Education and Sports 8 (2), 126-132, 2019
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