S R Kondapally Seshasai
S R Kondapally Seshasai
St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sgul.ac.uk
Diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose concentration, and risk of vascular disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of 102 prospective studies
Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration
The lancet 375 (9733), 2215-2222, 2010
Statins and risk of incident diabetes: a collaborative meta-analysis of randomised statin trials
N Sattar, D Preiss, HM Murray, P Welsh, BM Buckley, AJM de Craen, ...
The Lancet 375 (9716), 735-742, 2010
Diabetes mellitus, fasting glucose, and risk of cause-specific death
Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration
New England Journal of Medicine 364 (9), 829-841, 2011
Risk of incident diabetes with intensive-dose compared with moderate-dose statin therapy: a meta-analysis
D Preiss, SRK Seshasai, P Welsh, SA Murphy, JE Ho, DD Waters, ...
Jama 305 (24), 2556-2564, 2011
Effect of intensive control of glucose on cardiovascular outcomes and death in patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
KK Ray, SRK Seshasai, S Wijesuriya, R Sivakumaran, S Nethercott, ...
The Lancet 373 (9677), 1765-1772, 2009
Inflammatory cytokines and risk of coronary heart disease: new prospective study and updated meta-analysis
S Kaptoge, SRK Seshasai, P Gao, DF Freitag, AS Butterworth, ...
European heart journal 35 (9), 578-589, 2014
HMG-coenzyme A reductase inhibition, type 2 diabetes, and bodyweight: evidence from genetic analysis and randomised trials
DI Swerdlow, D Preiss, KB Kuchenbaecker, MV Holmes, JEL Engmann, ...
The Lancet 385 (9965), 351-361, 2015
Statins and all-cause mortality in high-risk primary prevention: a meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials involving 65 229 participants
KK Ray, SRK Seshasai, S Erqou, P Sever, JW Jukema, I Ford, N Sattar
Archives of internal medicine 170 (12), 1024-1031, 2010
Diabetes mellitus, fasting glucose, and risk of cause-specific death.
S Rao Kondapally Seshasai, S Kaptoge, A Thompson, E Di Angelantonio, ...
The New England journal of medicine 364 (9), 829-841, 2011
Effect of aspirin on vascular and nonvascular outcomes: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
SRK Seshasai, S Wijesuriya, R Sivakumaran, S Nethercott, S Erqou, ...
Archives of internal medicine 172 (3), 209-216, 2012
Hypertension is a potential risk factor for vascular dementia: systematic review
SI Sharp, D Aarsland, S Day, H Sønnesyn, ...
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 26 (7), 661-669, 2011
Glycated hemoglobin measurement and prediction of cardiovascular disease
E Di Angelantonio, P Gao, H Khan, AS Butterworth, D Wormser, ...
Jama 311 (12), 1225-1233, 2014
Markers of dysglycaemia and risk of coronary heart disease in people without diabetes: Reykjavik prospective study and systematic review
N Sarwar, T Aspelund, G Eiriksdottir, R Gobin, SRK Seshasai, NG Forouhi, ...
PLoS medicine 7 (5), e1000278, 2010
Familial hypercholesterolaemia: a global call to arms
AJ Vallejo-Vaz, SRK Seshasai, D Cole, GK Hovingh, JJP Kastelein, ...
Atherosclerosis 243 (1), 257-259, 2015
Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration Diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose concentration, and risk of vascular disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of 102 prospective studies
N Sarwar, P Gao, SR Seshasai, R Gobin, S Kaptoge, E Di Angelantonio, ...
Lancet 375 (9733), 2215-2222, 2010
Effect of pitavastatin on glucose, HbA1c and incident diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials in individuals without diabetes
AJ Vallejo-Vaz, SRK Seshasai, K Kurogi, I Michishita, T Nozue, ...
Atherosclerosis 241 (2), 409-418, 2015
Pooling and expanding registries of familial hypercholesterolaemia to assess gaps in care and improve disease management and outcomes: rationale and design of the global EAS …
AJ Vallejo-Vaz, A Akram, SRK Seshasai, D Cole, GF Watts, GK Hovingh, ...
Atherosclerosis Supplements 22, 1-32, 2016
Sarwar N, Sandhu MS, Ricketts SL
Triglyceride Coronary Disease Genetics Consortium, ...
Butterworth AS, Di Angelantonio E, Boekholdt SM, Ouwehand W, Watkins H …, 2010
Association of a combined measure of adherence and treatment intensity with cardiovascular outcomes in patients with atherosclerosis or other cardiovascular risk factors …
K Khunti, MD Danese, L Kutikova, D Catterick, F Sorio-Vilela, M Gleeson, ...
JAMA network open 1 (8), e185554-e185554, 2018
Life expectancy associated with different ages at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in high-income countries: 23 million person-years of observation
S Kaptoge, SRK Seshasai, L Sun, M Walker, T Bolton, S Spackman, ...
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 11 (10), 731-742, 2023
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