Soumya Jyoti Ray
First-principles study of MoS2, phosphorene and graphene based single electron transistor for gas sensing applications
SJ Ray
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 222, 492-498, 2016
Valence bond glass on an fcc lattice in the double perovskite Ba 2 YMoO 6
MA de Vries, AC Mclaughlin, SJ Ray, JWG Bos
Physical review letters 104 (17), 177202, 2010
Two-dimensional van der Waals spinterfaces and magnetic-interfaces
JF Dayen, SJ Ray, O Karis, IJ Vera-Marun, MV Kamalakar
Applied Physics Reviews 7 (1), 2020
A high energy density asymmetric supercapacitor utilizing a nickel phosphate/graphene foam composite as the cathode and carbonized iron cations adsorbed onto polyaniline as the …
AA Mirghni, MJ Madito, KO Oyedotun, TM Masikhwa, NM Ndiaye, SJ Ray, ...
RSC advances 8 (21), 11608-11621, 2018
Hybrid metal-semiconductor electron pump for quantum metrology
X Jehl, B Voisin, T Charron, P Clapera, S Ray, B Roche, M Sanquer, ...
Physical Review X 3 (2), 021012, 2013
Muon-spin rotation measurements of the vortex state in : Type-1.5 superconductivity, vortex clustering, and a crossover from a triangular to a square vortex …
SJ Ray, AS Gibbs, SJ Bending, PJ Curran, E Babaev, C Baines, ...
Physical Review B 89 (9), 094504, 2014
Nanoscale investigation of superconductivity and magnetism using neutrons and muons
SJ Ray
University of St Andrews, 2012
Graphene mediated resistive switching and thermoelectric behavior in lanthanum cobaltate
A Kumar, K Kumari, SJ Ray, AD Thakur
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (23), 2020
A quantum device driven by an on-chip CMOS ring oscillator
P Clapera, S Ray, X Jehl, M Sanquer, A Valentian, S Barraud
2014 11th International Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics (WOLTE), 73-76, 2014
Characterization of hybrid metal/semiconductor electron pumps for quantum metrology
T Charron, L Devoille, S Djordjevic, O Séron, F Piquemal, P Clapera, ...
29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 442-443, 2014
Biosensing using C3N nanoribbon
S Rani, SJ Ray
AIP Conference Proceedings 2265 (1), 2020
Bi-stimuli assisted engineering and control of magnetic phase in monolayer CrOCl
AK Nair, S Rani, MV Kamalakar, SJ Ray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (22), 12806-12813, 2020
Detection of gas molecule using C3N island single electron transistor
S Rani, SJ Ray
Carbon 144, 235-240, 2019
High efficiency spin filtering in magnetic phosphorene
P Kumari, S Majumder, S Rani, AK Nair, K Kumari, MV Kamalakar, SJ Ray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (10), 5893-5901, 2020
Structural and resistive switching behaviour in lanthanum strontium manganite-Reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite system
K Kumari, A Kumar, DK Kotnees, J Balakrishnan, AD Thakur, SJ Ray
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 815, 152213, 2020
Ab initio studies of phosphorene island single electron transistor
SJ Ray, MV Kamalakar, R Chowdhury
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (19), 195302, 2016
Design and cryogenic operation of a hybrid quantum-CMOS circuit
P Clapera, S Ray, X Jehl, M Sanquer, A Valentian, S Barraud
Physical Review Applied 4 (4), 044009, 2015
Superconductivity in 112 type bismuthides and antimonides
R Retzlaff, A Buckow, J Kurian, S Ray, L Alff
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2015
The effect of graphene and reduced graphene oxide on the resistive switching behavior of La0. 7Ba0. 3MnO3
K Kumari, AD Thakur, SJ Ray
Materials Today Communications 26, 102040, 2021
DNA and RNA detection using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride based nanosensor
S Rani, SJ Ray
Carbon 173, 493-500, 2021
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