Matthew E. Anderson
Matthew E. Anderson
Senate Distinguished Professor of Physics, San Diego State University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sdsu.edu - หน้าแรก
Photon-number statistics from the phase-averaged quadrature-field distribution: Theory and ultrafast measurement
M Munroe, D Boggavarapu, ME Anderson, MG Raymer
Physical Review A 52 (2), R924, 1995
Measuring vortex charge with a triangular aperture
LEE de Araujo, ME Anderson
Optics letters 36 (6), 787-789, 2011
Ultra-large field-of-view two-photon microscopy
PS Tsai, C Mateo, JJ Field, CB Schaffer, ME Anderson, D Kleinfeld
Optics express 23 (11), 13833-13847, 2015
Quadrature squeezing with ultrashort pulses in nonlinear-optical waveguides
ME Anderson, M Beck, MG Raymer, JD Bierlein
Optics letters 20 (6), 620-622, 1995
Real-time SPIDER: ultrashort pulse characterization at 20 Hz
TM Shuman, ME Anderson, J Bromage, C Iaconis, L Waxer, IA Walmsley
Optics Express 5 (6), 134-143, 1999
The effects of noise on ultrashort-optical-pulse measurement using SPIDER
ME Anderson, LEE de Araujo, EM Kosik, IA Walmsley
Applied Physics B 70 (1), S85-S93, 2000
SPIDER: A decade of measuring ultrashort pulses
ME Anderson, A Monmayrant, SP Gorza, P Wasylczyk, IA Walmsley
Laser Physics Letters 5 (4), 259, 2008
"Kinetically multicolored light source."
TAH Anderson, Matthew E.
US Patent 5,844,377, 1998
Measuring the topological charge of ultrabroadband, optical-vortex beams with a triangular aperture
ME Anderson, H Bigman, LEE de Araujo, JL Chaloupka
JOSA B 29 (8), 1968-1976, 2012
Pulsed squeezed-light generation in χ(2) nonlinear waveguides
ME Anderson, DF McAlister, MG Raymer, MC Gupta
JOSA B 14 (11), 3180-3190, 1997
Simplified spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction by using a thick nonlinear crystal
AS Radunsky, EMK Williams, IA Walmsley, P Wasylczyk, W Wasilewski, ...
Optics letters 31 (7), 1008-1010, 2006
Measuring ultrafast pulses in the near-ultraviolet using spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction
P Londero, ME Anderson, C Radzewicz, C Iaconis, IA Walmsley
Journal of Modern Optics 50 (2), 179-184, 2003
Experimental realization of the devil’s vortex Fresnel lens with a programmable spatial light modulator
M Mitry, DC Doughty, JL Chaloupka, ME Anderson
Applied Optics 51 (18), 4103-4108, 2012
"Learning glass."
M Anderson
US Patent App. 29/589,440, 0
"Apparatus and methods for continuous and/or selective production of multiple light displays."
MEA Hughes, Thomas A.
US Patent 6,882,117, 2005
The effects of noise on ultrashort optical pulse measurement using SPIDER
EM Kosik, ME Anderson, LEE de Araujo, IA Walmsley
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, MB2, 2000
Surface profilometry using vortex beams generated with a spatial light modulator
A Serrano-Trujillo, ME Anderson
Optics Communications 427, 557-562, 2018
Measuring ultrashort optical pulses in the presence of noise: an empirical study of the performance of spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction
S Jensen, ME Anderson
Applied optics 43 (4), 883-893, 2004
Efficient optical implementation of the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm
P Londero, C Dorrer, M Anderson, S Wallentowitz, K Banaszek, ...
Physical Review A 69 (1), 010302, 2004
Gold-SPIDER: spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction utilizing sum-frequency generation from a gold surface
ME Anderson, T Witting, IA Walmsley
JOSA B 25 (6), A13-A16, 2008
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