Jonas Joos
Jonas Joos
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ghent University and Universidad Autonóma de Madrid
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ugent.be - หน้าแรก
K2SiF6:Mn4+ as a red phosphor for displays and warm-white LEDs: a review of properties and perspectives
HF Sijbom, R Verstraete, JJ Joos, D Poelman, PF Smet
Optical Materials Express 7 (9), 3332-3365, 2017
Trapping and detrapping in persistent phosphors: Influence of excitation wavelength and temperature
J Botterman, JJ Joos, PF Smet
Physical Review B 90 (8), 085147, 2014
Hybrid remote quantum dot/powder phosphor designs for display backlights
S Abe, JJ Joos, LIDJ Martin, Z Hens, PF Smet
Light: Science & Applications 6 (6), e16271-e16271, 2017
Absolute determination of photoluminescence quantum efficiency using an integrating sphere setup
S Leyre, E Coutino-Gonzalez, JJ Joos, J Ryckaert, Y Meuret, D Poelman, ...
Review of scientific instruments 85 (12), 2014
Broadband infrared LEDs based on europium-to-terbium charge transfer luminescence
JJ Joos, D Van der Heggen, LIDJ Martin, L Amidani, PF Smet, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3647, 2020
First-Principles Study of Antisite Defect Configurations in ZnGa2O4:Cr Persistent Phosphors
A De Vos, K Lejaeghere, DEP Vanpoucke, JJ Joos, PF Smet, ...
Inorganic chemistry 55 (5), 2402-2412, 2016
Stabilizing colour and intensity
PF Smet, JJ Joos
Nature materials 16 (5), 500-501, 2017
Luminescent behavior of the K2SiF6: Mn4+ red phosphor at high fluxes and at the microscopic level
HF Sijbom, JJ Joos, LIDJ Martin, K Van den Eeckhout, D Poelman, ...
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 5 (1), R3040, 2015
Identification of as Electron Trap in Persistent Phosphors
JJ Joos, K Korthout, L Amidani, P Glatzel, D Poelman, PF Smet
Physical Review Letters 125 (3), 033001, 2020
Persistent luminescence in strontium aluminate: a roadmap to a brighter future
D Van der Heggen, JJ Joos, A Feng, V Fritz, T Delgado, N Gartmann, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (52), 2208809, 2022
Red Mn4+-Doped Fluoride Phosphors: Why Purity Matters
R Verstraete, HF Sijbom, JJ Joos, K Korthout, D Poelman, C Detavernier, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (22), 18845-18856, 2018
Energy level modeling of lanthanide materials: review and uncertainty analysis
JJ Joos, D Poelman, PF Smet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (29), 19058-19078, 2015
Insights into the complexity of the excited states of Eu-doped luminescent materials
JJ Joos, PF Smet, L Seijo, Z Barandiarán
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 7 (4), 871-888, 2020
Importance of evaluating the intensity dependency of the quantum efficiency: impact on LEDs and persistent phosphors
D Van der Heggen, JJ Joos, PF Smet
ACS Photonics 5 (11), 4529-4537, 2018
Exploring lanthanide doping in UiO-66: a combined experimental and computational study of the electronic structure
K Hendrickx, JJ Joos, A De Vos, D Poelman, PF Smet, V Van Speybroeck, ...
Inorganic chemistry 57 (9), 5463-5474, 2018
Counting the photons: Determining the absolute storage capacity of persistent phosphors
D Van der Heggen, JJ Joos, DC Rodríguez Burbano, JA Capobianco, ...
Materials 10 (8), 867, 2017
Oxidation and Luminescence Quenching of Europium in BaMgAl10O17 Blue Phosphors
L Amidani, K Korthout, JJ Joos, M Van Der Linden, HF Sijbom, A Meijerink, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (23), 10122-10129, 2017
Predicting the afterglow duration in persistent phosphors: a validated approach to derive trap depth distributions
OQ De Clercq, J Du, PF Smet, JJ Joos, D Poelman
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (48), 30455-30465, 2018
Direct evidence of intervalence charge-transfer states of Eu-doped luminescent materials
JJ Joos, L Seijo, Z Barandiarán
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (7), 1581-1586, 2019
Thermal quenching and luminescence lifetime of saturated green Sr1− xEuxGa2S4 phosphors
JJ Joos, KW Meert, AB Parmentier, D Poelman, PF Smet
Optical Materials 34 (11), 1902-1907, 2012
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