Vadim Skeeba
Vadim Skeeba
Novosibirsk State Technical University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ corp.nstu.ru - หน้าแรก
Study of Melting Methods by Electric Resistance Welding of Rails
VA Rezanov, NV Martyushev, VV Kukartsev, VS Tynchenko, VA Kukartsev, ...
Metals 12 (12), 2135, 2022
Integration of Production Steps on a Single Equipment
V Skeeba, V Pushnin, I Erohin, D Kornev
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 30 (12), 1408-1411, 2015
Integrated Processing: Quality Assurance Procedure of the Surface Layer of Machine Parts during the Manufacturing Step" Diamond Smoothing"
VY Skeeba, VV Ivancivsky, DV Lobanov, AK Zhigulev, PY Skeeba
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 125 (1), 012031, 2016
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Steel under Action of Electron Beam Heating Source
VY Skeeba, VV Ivancivsky, NV Martyushev, DV Lobanov, NV Vakhrushev, ...
Key Engineering Materials 712, 105-111, 2016
The features of steel surface hardening with high energy heating by high frequency currents and shower cooling
VV Ivancivsky, VY Skeeba, IA Bataev, DV Lobanov, NV Martyushev, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 156 (1), 012025, 2016
Контактные процессы при алмазной обработке инструментальных материалов
ВЮ Попов, АС Янюшкин, ОИ Медведева, ВЮ Скиба
Системы. Методы. Технологии, 68-74, 2014
Research on the Possibility of Lowering the Manufacturing Accuracy of Cycloid Transmission Wheels with Intermediate Rolling Elements and a Free Cage
EA Efremenkov, NV Martyushev, VY Skeeba, MV Grechneva, AV Olisov, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (1), 5, 2021
Integrated Quality Ensuring Technique of Plasma Wear Resistant Coatings
EA Zverev, VY Skeeba, NV Martyushev, PY Skeeba
Key Engineering Materials 736, 132-137, 2017
Методика назначения режимов обработки, обеспечивающих рациональное распределение остаточных напряжений при поверхностной закалке ВЭН ТВЧ
ВВ Иванцивский, ВЮ Скиба, НП Зуб
Научный вестник НГТУ, 83-95, 2008
Hybrid Processing: the Impact of Mechanical and Surface Thermal Treatment Integration onto the Machine Parts Quality
VY Skeeba, VV Ivancivsky, AV Kutyshkin, KA Parts
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 126 (1), 012016, 2016
Numerical Modeling of Steel Surface Hardening in the Process of High Energy Heating by High Frequency Currents
V Skeeba, V Ivancivsky, V Pushnin
Applied Mechanics & Materials 698, 288-293, 2014
Influence of W Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-12% Si Alloys
A Zykova, N Martyushev, V Skeeba, D Zadkov, A Kuzkin
Materials 12 (6), 981, 2019
Experimental determination of useful resistance value during pasta dough kneading
YI Podgornyj, TG Martynova, VY Skeeba, AS Kosilov, AA Chernysheva, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 87 (8), 082039, 2017
Integration effectiveness of operations of surface hardening and grinding on a single technology equipment
VV Ivancivsky, VY Skeeba
Obrabotka Metallov, 15-21, 2010
Formation of high-carbon abrasion-resistant surface layers when high-energy heating by high-frequency currents
NV Plotnikova, VY Skeeba, NV Martyushev, RA Miller, NS Rubtsova
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 156 (1), 012022, 2016
Повышение поверхностной микротвердости стали при интеграции поверхностно-термической и финишной механической обработок
ВВ Иванцивский, ВЮ Скиба
Научный вестник НГТУ, 187-192, 2006
The Research into the Effect of Conditions of Combined Electric Powered Diamond Processing on Cutting Power
DV Lobanov, PV Arkhipov, AS Yanyushkin, VY Skeeba
Key Engineering Materials 736, 81-85, 2017
Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении: сборник материалов первой международной научно-практической конференции
ВЮ Скиба
Хроники объединенного фонда электронных ресурсов Наука и образование, 83, 2014
Quality improvement of wear-resistant coatings in plasma spraying integrated with high-energy heating by high frequency currents
V Skeeba, V Pushnin, D Kornev
Applied Mechanics and Materials 788, 88-94, 2015
Надежность прогноза качества технологического оборудования
СВ Птицын, ВЮ Скиба, ЮС Чёсов, ЕВ Мережко
Обработка металлов: технология, оборудование, инструменты, 33-38, 2013
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