Simon Lloyd D. Restubog
Simon Lloyd D. Restubog
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ illinois.edu
When employees strike back: investigating mediating mechanisms between psychological contract breach and workplace deviance.
P Bordia, SLD Restubog, RL Tang
Journal of Applied psychology 93 (5), 1104, 2008
Blaming the organization for abusive supervision: the roles of perceived organizational support and supervisor's organizational embodiment.
MK Shoss, R Eisenberger, SLD Restubog, TJ Zagenczyk
Journal of applied psychology 98 (1), 158, 2013
Career adaptation: The relation of adaptability to goal orientation, proactive personality, and career optimism
LR Tolentino, PRJM Garcia, VN Lu, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, C Plewa
Journal of vocational behavior 84 (1), 39-48, 2014
Taking control amidst the chaos: Emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic
SLD Restubog, ACG Ocampo, L Wang
Journal of vocational behavior 119, 103440, 2020
When distress hits home: the role of contextual factors and psychological distress in predicting employees' responses to abusive supervision.
SLD Restubog, KL Scott, TJ Zagenczyk
Journal of applied psychology 96 (4), 713, 2011
In pursuit of power: The role of authoritarian leadership in the relationship between supervisors’ Machiavellianism and subordinates’ perceptions of abusive supervisory behavior
K Kiazad, SLD Restubog, TJ Zagenczyk, C Kiewitz, RL Tang
Journal of Research in Personality 44 (4), 512-519, 2010
Effects of psychological contract breach on organizational citizenship behaviour: Insights from the group value model
SLD Restubog, MJ Hornsey, P Bordia, SR Esposo
Journal of Management Studies 45 (8), 1377-1400, 2008
The influence of abusive supervisors on followers' organizational citizenship behaviours: The hidden costs of abusive supervision
AE Rafferty, SLD Restubog
British Journal of Management 22 (2), 270-285, 2011
Career optimism: The roles of contextual support and career decision-making self-efficacy
PRJM Garcia, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, S Bordia, REO Roxas
Journal of vocational behavior 88, 10-18, 2015
The role of traditionality in the relationships among parental support, career decision-making self-efficacy and career adaptability
P Guan, A Capezio, SLD Restubog, S Read, JAL Lajom, M Li
Journal of Vocational Behavior 94, 114-123, 2016
Effects of psychological contract breach on performance of IT employees: The mediating role of affective commitment
SLD Restubog, P Bordia, RL Tang
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 79 (2), 299-306, 2006
The impact of change process and context on change reactions and turnover during a merger
AE Rafferty, SLD Restubog
Journal of management 36 (5), 1309-1338, 2010
Haunted by the past: Effects of poor change management history on employee attitudes and turnover
P Bordia, SLD Restubog, NL Jimmieson, BE Irmer
Group & Organization Management 36 (2), 191-222, 2011
A social exchange-based model of the antecedents of workplace exclusion.
KL Scott, SLD Restubog, TJ Zagenczyk
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (1), 37, 2013
The mediating roles of career self-efficacy and career decidedness in the relationship between contextual support and persistence
SLD Restubog, AR Florentino, PRJM Garcia
Journal of vocational behavior 77 (2), 186-195, 2010
Abusive supervision in advising relationships: Investigating the role of social support
EV Hobman, SLD Restubog, P Bordia, RL Tang
Applied Psychology 58 (2), 233-256, 2009
Yielding to (cyber)-temptation: Exploring the buffering role of self-control in the relationship between organizational justice and cyberloafing behavior in the workplace
SLD Restubog, PRJM Garcia, LS Toledano, RK Amarnani, LR Tolentino, ...
Journal of Research in Personality 45 (2), 247-251, 2011
Behavioural Outcomes of Psychological Contract Breach in a Non‐Western Culture: The Moderating Role of Equity Sensitivity*
SLD Restubog, P Bordia, RL Tang
British Journal of Management 18 (4), 376-386, 2007
A cross‐cultural examination of subordinates' perceptions of and reactions to abusive supervision
RM Vogel, MS Mitchell, BJ Tepper, SLD Restubog, C Hu, W Hua, ...
Journal of Organizational Behavior 36 (5), 720-745, 2015
Suffering in silence: Investigating the role of fear in the relationship between abusive supervision and defensive silence.
C Kiewitz, SLD Restubog, MK Shoss, PRJM Garcia, RL Tang
Journal of applied psychology 101 (5), 731, 2016
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