Peter Hamlington
Peter Hamlington
Professor, Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ colorado.edu - หน้าแรก
Interactions between turbulence and flames in premixed reacting flows
PE Hamlington, AY Poludnenko, ES Oran
Physics of Fluids 23 (12), 2011
The form and orientation of Langmuir cells for misaligned winds and waves
LP Van Roekel, B Fox‐Kemper, PP Sullivan, PE Hamlington, SR Haney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C5), 2012
Langmuir–submesoscale interactions: Descriptive analysis of multiscale frontal spindown simulations
PE Hamlington, LP Van Roekel, B Fox-Kemper, K Julien, GP Chini
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (9), 2249-2272, 2014
Structure and dynamics of highly turbulent premixed combustion
AM Steinberg, PE Hamlington, X Zhao
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 85, 100900, 2021
Effects of submesoscale turbulence on ocean tracers
KM Smith, PE Hamlington, B Fox‐Kemper
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (1), 908-933, 2016
Direct assessment of vorticity alignment with local and nonlocal strain rates in turbulent flows
PE Hamlington, J Schumacher, WJA Dahm
Physics of Fluids 20 (11), 2008
Spectral kinetic energy transfer in turbulent premixed reacting flows
CAZ Towery, AY Poludnenko, J Urzay, J O'Brien, M Ihme, PE Hamlington
Physical Review E 93 (5), 053115, 2016
Characterization of turbulence anisotropy, coherence, and intermittency at a prospective tidal energy site: Observational data analysis
K McCaffrey, B Fox-Kemper, PE Hamlington, J Thomson
Renewable Energy 76, 441-453, 2015
Local and nonlocal strain rate fields and vorticity alignment in turbulent flows
PE Hamlington, J Schumacher, WJA Dahm
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (2 …, 2008
The cross-scale physical-space transfer of kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames
J O'Brien, CAZ Towery, PE Hamlington, M Ihme, AY Poludnenko, J Urzay
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 1967-1975, 2017
Surface waves affect frontogenesis
N Suzuki, B Fox‐Kemper, PE Hamlington, LP Van Roekel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (5), 3597-3624, 2016
Intermittency in premixed turbulent reacting flows
PE Hamlington, AY Poludnenko, ES Oran
Physics of Fluids 24 (7), 2012
Optimization of wind plant layouts using an adjoint approach
RN King, K Dykes, P Graf, PE Hamlington
Wind Energy Science 2 (1), 115-131, 2017
Reynolds stress closure for nonequilibrium effects in turbulent flows
PE Hamlington, WJA Dahm
Physics of Fluids 20 (11), 2008
Mid-infrared dual frequency comb spectroscopy for combustion analysis from 2.8 to 5 µm
AS Makowiecki, DI Herman, N Hoghooghi, EF Strong, RK Cole, G Ycas, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (1), 1627-1635, 2021
Detonation initiation by compressible turbulence thermodynamic fluctuations
CAZ Towery, AY Poludnenko, PE Hamlington
Combustion and Flame 213, 172-183, 2020
Wake steering optimization under uncertainty
J Quick, J King, RN King, PE Hamlington, K Dykes
Wind Energy Science 5 (1), 413-426, 2020
Lagrangian analysis of high-speed turbulent premixed reacting flows: Thermochemical trajectories in hydrogen–air flames
PE Hamlington, R Darragh, CA Briner, CAZ Towery, BD Taylor, ...
Combustion and Flame 186, 193-207, 2017
Local dissipation scales and energy dissipation-rate moments in channel flow
PE Hamlington, D Krasnov, T Boeck, J Schumacher
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 701, 419-429, 2012
Spatially localized multi-scale energy transfer in turbulent premixed combustion
J Kim, M Bassenne, CAZ Towery, PE Hamlington, AY Poludnenko, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 78-116, 2018
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