Rafael Novella
Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿trabajar o estudiar?
R Novella, A Repetto, C Robino, G Rucci
Inter-American Development Bank, 2018
The Quality of Centros Infantiles del Buen Vivir in Ecuador
MC Araujo, FL Boo, R Novella, S Schodt, R Tomé
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
El futuro del trabajo y los desajustes de habilidades en Am érica Latin
SGR Novella
Encuesta de habilidades al trabajo (ENHAT) 2017-2018: Causas y consecuencias de la brecha de habilidades en Perú
R Novella, A Alvarado, D Rosas-Shady, C González-Velosa
BID, 2019
Training Vouchers and Labour Market Outcomes in Chile
R Novella, G Rucci, C Vazquez, DS Kaplan
LABOUR, 2017
The origins of cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills: The long-term effect of in-utero rainfall shocks in India
G Chang, M Favara, R Novella
Economics & Human Biology 44, 101089, 2022
Conditional Cash Transfers, Female Bargaining Power and Parental Labour Supply
R Novella, L Ripani, G Cruces, ML Alzuá
Inter-American Development Bank, Research, 2012
NEETs in Latin America and the Caribbean: Skills, Aspirations, and Information
A Alvarado, B Conde, R Novella, A Repetto
Journal of International Development, 2020
Are You (Not) Expecting?: The Unforeseen Benefits of Job Training on Teenage Pregnancy
R Novella, L Ripani
IZA Journal of Labor and Development 5 (1), 1-18, 2016
Orphanhood, Household Relationships, School Attendance and Child Labor in Zimbabwe
R Novella
Journal of International Development 30 (5), 725-744, 2018
Parental Education, Gender Preferences and Child Nutritional Status: Evidence from Four Developing Countries
R Novella
ISER Working Paper Series, 2013
The role of nutrition and literacy on the cognitive functioning of elderly poor individuals
AK Leist, R Novella, J Olivera
Journal of aging & social policy 32 (3), 276-295, 2020
Reallocating children’s time: coping strategies after the 2010 Haiti earthquake
R Novella, C Zanuso
IZA Journal of Development and Migration 8 (1), 4, 2018
Porque No Quiero o Porque No Puedo: ¿Cuánto No Sabemos del Trabajo Femenino en Chile?
R Novella, G Rucci, C Vazquez
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
Determinantes de la Adopción de Tecnologías de Producción Orgánica: El Caso del Café
R Novella, R Salcedo
Perú: El Problema Agrario en Debate - SEPIA XI, 57-93, 2006
Are we nearly there yet? New technology adoption and labor demand in Peru
R Novella, D Rosas-Shady, A Alvarado
Science and Public Policy 50 (4), 565-578, 2023
Active labor market policies in a context of high informality: The effect of PAE in Bolivia
R Novella, H Valencia
The Journal of Development Studies 58 (12), 2583-2603, 2022
Identificación, causas y consecuencias de la brecha de habilidades en Perú
R Novella, A Alvarado, D Rosas, C González
Revista BID-División de Mercados Laborales y Seguridad Social, 2019
Mental Retirement and Non-Contributory Pensions for the Elderly Poor in Peru
R Novella, J Olivera
Available at SSRN, 2014
¿ Cómo proteger los ingresos y los empleos?: Posibles respuestas al impacto del coronavirus (COVID-19) en los mercados laborales de América Latina y el Caribe
O Arboleda, D Baptista, C González-Velosa, R Novella, D Rosas-Shady, ...
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo DOI: http://dx. doi. org/10.18235/0002307, 2020
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