Isolation and study of the functional properties of pea proteins S Tömösközi, R Lásztity, R Haraszi, O Baticz Food/Nahrung 45 (6), 399-401, 2001 | 200 | 2001 |
Study on the simultaneous determination of some essential and toxic trace elements in honey by multi-element graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Z Ajtony, L Bencs, R Haraszi, J Szigeti, N Szoboszlai Talanta 71 (2), 683-690, 2007 | 118 | 2007 |
Analytical methods for detection of gluten in food—method developments in support of food labeling legislation R Haraszi, H Chassaigne, A Maquet, F Ulberth Journal of AOAC International 94 (4), 1006-1025, 2011 | 96 | 2011 |
Effects of different salts on mixing and extension parameters on a diverse group of wheat cultivars using 2‐g mixograph and extensigraph methods BJ Butow, PW Gras, R Haraszi, F Bekes Cereal Chemistry 79 (6), 826-833, 2002 | 87 | 2002 |
Defining the wheat gluten peptide fingerprint via a discovery and targeted proteomics approach MJ Martínez-Esteso, J Nørgaard, M Brohée, R Haraszi, A Maquet, ... Journal of proteomics 147, 156-168, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Differential mixing action effects on functional properties and polymeric protein size distribution of wheat dough R Haraszi, OR Larroque, BJ Butow, KR Gale, F Bekes Journal of Cereal Science 47 (1), 41-51, 2008 | 64 | 2008 |
The feasibility of harmonizing gluten ELISA measurements M Rzychon, M Brohée, F Cordeiro, R Haraszi, F Ulberth, G O'Connor Food Chemistry 234, 144-154, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
ProPepper: a curated database for identification and analysis of peptide and immune-responsive epitope composition of cereal grain protein families A Juhasz, R Haraszi, C Maulis Database 2015, bav100, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Application of a micro Z‐arm mixer to characterize mixing properties and water absorption of wheat flour R Haraszi, PW Gras, S Tömösközi, A Salgó, F Békés Cereal chemistry 81 (5), 555-560, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Characterizing and exploiting the rheology of wheat hardness RS Anderssen, R Haraszi European Food Research and Technology 229, 159-174, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Isolation, functional properties and potential use of protein preparations from lupin R Lasztity, MM Khalil, R Haraszi, O Baticz, S Tömösközi Food/Nahrung 45 (6), 396-398, 2001 | 29 | 2001 |
Using rheological phenotype phases to predict rheological features of wheat hardness and milling potential of durum wheat R Haraszi, M Sissons, A Juhasz, G Kadkol, L Tamas, RS Anderssen Cereal Chemistry 93 (4), 369-376, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Application of Micro Z-arm dough mixer in wheat research-Effect of protein addition on mixing properties of wheat dough S Tömösközi, F Békés, R Haraszi, PW Gras, J Varga, A Salgó Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 46 (1-2), 31-38, 2002 | 20 | 2002 |
Brachypodium distachyon as a model for defining the allergen potential of non-prolamin proteins A Juhász, G Gell, E Sebestyén, R Haraszi, L Tamás, E Balázs Functional & integrative genomics 12, 439-446, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Rheological Hardness Index for Assessing Hardness of Hexaploids and Durums R Haraszi, A Juhasz, M Sissons, M Rakszegi, L Tamas, RS Anderssen Cereal Chemistry, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Determination of bread-making quality of wheat flour dough with different macro and micro mixers S Tömösközi, A Kindler, J Varga, M Rakszegi, L Láng, Z Bedõ, R Baticz, ... The Gluten Proteins’, Proc. 8th Gluten Workshop. RS-C, Chambridge, UK, 267-270, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Understanding the mechanics of wheat grain fractionation and the impact of Puroindolines on milling and product quality V Lullien-Pellerin, R Haraszi, RS Anderssen, CF Morris Wheat quality for improving processing and human health, 369-385, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Gluten analysis R Haraszi, TM Ikeda, RJ Peña, G Branlard Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health, 109-143, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Effects of environmental changes on the allergen content of wheat grain A Juhász, R Haraszi, F Békés Wheat quality for improving processing and human health, 453-470, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Analytical methods for detection of gluten in food–last method developments in support to the legislations on labelling of foodstuffs R Haraszi, H Chassaigne, A Macquet, F Ulberth J. AOAC 94, 1-20, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |