Mariano Lazaro
Mariano Lazaro
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ unican.es
Round-robin study of a priori modelling predictions of the Dalmarnock Fire Test One
G Rein, JL Torero, W Jahn, J Stern-Gottfried, NL Ryder, S Desanghere, ...
Fire safety journal 44 (4), 590-602, 2009
Influencia del modelo de turbulencia y del refinamiento de la discretización espacial en la exactitud de las simulaciones computacionales de incendios
JA Capote, D Alvear, OV Abreu Menéndez, M Lázaro, P Espina
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en …, 2008
Limitations in the predictive capability of pyrolysis models based on a calibrated semi-empirical approach
Z Ghorbani, R Webster, M Lázaro, A Trouvé
Fire safety journal 61, 274-288, 2013
Scale tests of smoke filling in large atria
JA Capote, D Alvear, OV Abreu, M Lazaro, P Espina
Fire Technology 45, 201-220, 2009
Thermal modelling of gypsum plasterboard assemblies exposed to standard fire tests
D Lázaro, E Puente, M Lázaro, PG Lázaro, J Peña
Fire and materials 40 (4), 568-585, 2016
Heat release rate and computer fire modelling vs real‐scale fire tests in passenger trains
JA Capote, D Alvear, M Lázaro, P Espina
Fire and Materials: An International Journal 32 (4), 213-229, 2008
Assessing the influence of the input variables employed by fire dynamics simulator (FDS) software to model numerically solid-phase pyrolysis of cardboard
A Alonso, M Lázaro, P Lázaro, D Lázaro, D Alvear
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 140, 263-273, 2020
An evacuation model for high speed trains
JA Capote, D Alvear, O Abreu, M Lázaro, A Cuesta
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, 421-431, 2011
Assessment of physical phenomena associated to fire doors during standard tests
JA Capote, D Alvear, O Abreu, M Lazaro, Y Boffill, A Manzanares, ...
Fire technology 49, 357-378, 2013
Modelado y simulación computacional de incendios en la edificación
D Alvear
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2007
Numerical simulation of fire growth, transition to flashover, and post-flashover dynamics in the dalmarnock fire test
M Lazaro, H Bohmer, D Alvear, JA Capote, A Trouve
Fire Safety Science 9, 1377-1388, 2008
Pyrolysis characterization of a lineal low density polyethylene
J Capote, D Alvear, O Abreu, M Lazaro, E Puente
Fire Saf Sci 10, 877-888, 2011
Model-based analysis of a concrete building subjected to fire
IA Fletcher, S Welch, D Alvear, M Lazaro, JA Capote
Guide for Obtaining Data from Reaction to Fire Tests
A Barrio, A Pfriem, A Galan, A Donmez Cavdar, C Bedon, D Barber, ...
COST Action FP1404, 2018
Assessment of fire behaviour of high‐speed trains' interior materials: small‐scale and full‐scale fire tests
JA Capote, JA Jimenez, D Alvear, J Alvarez, O Abreu, M Lazaro
Fire and materials 38 (7), 725-743, 2014
Assessment of lightweight concrete thermal properties at elevated temperatures
JE Martínez-Martínez, FP Álvarez Rabanal, M Lázaro, M Alonso-Martínez, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 10023, 2021
Influence of the STA boundary conditions on thermal decomposition of thermoplastic polymers
D Lázaro, M Lázaro, A Alonso, P Lázaro, D Alvear
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 138, 2457-2468, 2019
LLDPE kinetic properties estimation combining thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry as optimization targets
A Alonso, M Lázaro, P Lázaro, D Lázaro, D Alvear
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-11, 2019
Limitations in current parameter estimation techniques for pyrolysis modeling
R Webster, M Lázaro, D Alvear, J Capote, A Trouvé
Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, 2010
Evacuation modelling of fire scenarios in passenger trains
J Capote, D Alvear, O Abreu, M Lázaro, A Cuesta
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008, 705-711, 2010
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