Dimitris Politis
Dimitris Politis
Assistant Professor, University of Patras
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ upatras.gr
Pre-seismic irregularities during the 2020 Samos (Greece) earthquake (M= 6.9) as investigated from multi-parameter approach by ground and space-based techniques
S Sasmal, S Chowdhury, S Kundu, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, G Balasis, ...
Atmosphere 12 (8), 1059, 2021
Unusual surface latent heat flux variations and their critical dynamics revealed before strong earthquakes
S Ghosh, S Chowdhury, S Kundu, S Sasmal, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, ...
Entropy 24 (1), 23, 2021
Seismogenic anomalies in atmospheric gravity waves as observed from SABER/TIMED satellite during large earthquakes
S Kundu, S Chowdhury, S Ghosh, S Sasmal, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, ...
Journal of Sensors 2022 (1), 3201104, 2022
Statistical and criticality analysis of the lower ionosphere prior to the 30 October 2020 Samos (Greece) earthquake (M6. 9), based on VLF electromagnetic propagation data as …
DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, YF Contoyiannis, S Biswas, S Sasmal, ...
Entropy 23 (6), 676, 2021
Critical dynamics in stratospheric potential energy variations prior to significant (M> 6.7) earthquakes
DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, S Kundu, S Chowdhury, S Sasmal, M Hayakawa
Symmetry 14 (9), 1939, 2022
Numerical modelling of sub-ionospheric very low frequency radio signal anomalies during the Samos (Greece) earthquake (M= 6.9) on October 30, 2020
S Biswas, S Chowdhury, S Sasmal, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, M Hayakawa
Advances in Space Research 70 (5), 1453-1471, 2022
Gender in children’s literature: Through or beyond conventions?
D Politis
Advances in Literary Study 10 (2), 129-140, 2022
Criticality analysis of 3-year-long VLF subionospheric propagation data possibly related to significant earthquake events in Japan
D Politis, SM Potirakis, M Hayakawa
Natural Hazards 102, 47-66, 2020
Les Livres pour Enfants et les Pratiques Interculturelles dans l’ École Primaire d’Aujourd’hui
D Politis
Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura 18, 237-247, 2006
Ανθολόγιο Λογοτεχνικών Κειμένων για τις Γ΄- Δ΄ τάξεις του Δημοτικού Σχολείου
Ά Κατσίκη-Γκίβαλου, Γ Παπαδάτος, Β Πάτσιου, Δ Πολίτης, Θ Πυλαρινός
Ο.Ε.Δ.Β. (Ελληνικά Γράμματα), 2006
Preseismic Perturbations and their Inhomogeneity as Computed from Ground‐and Space‐Based Investigation during the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake
S Biswas, S Kundu, S Sasmal, DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, M Hayakawa
Journal of Sensors 2023 (1), 7159204, 2023
Σύγχρονη Εφηβική Λογοτεχνία: Από την Ποιητική της Εφηβείας στην Αναζήτηση της Ερμηνείας της
Μ Κανατσούλη, Δ Πολίτης
Πατάκης, Αθήνα., 2011
Οι Ιδέες των Παιδιών για την Παιδική Λογοτεχνία: Θεωρία και Έρευνα της Αναγνωστικής Ανταπόκρισης
Γ Παπαντωνάκης, Η Αθανασιάδης, Μ Καπλάνογλου, Δ Πολίτης
Τόπος, Αθήνα, 2010
Μεταμυθοπλασία και Λογοτεχνία για Παιδιά
Δ Πολίτης
Η Λογοτεχνία Σήμερα: Όψεις, Aναθεωρήσεις, Προοπτικές , Αθήνα, 29, 30 …, 2004
Lower-ionosphere anomalies prior to strong earthquakes that occurred in north-central mainland Greece on March 2021 as revealed by multi-method analysis of VLF sub-ionospheric …
DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, Y Contoyiannis, I Potamitis, S Sasmal, SS Yang, ...
Annals of Geophysics 66 (6), SE645-SE645, 2023
Possible pre-seismic indications prior to strong earthquakes that occurred in southeastern Mediterranean as observed simultaneously by three VLF/LF stations installed in Athens …
DZ Politis, SM Potirakis, S Sasmal, F Malkotsis, D Dimakos, M Hayakawa
Atmosphere 14 (4), 673, 2023
Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Greek Literature for Children and Youth in the Last Decades of the Twentieth Century
D Politis
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature 56 (2), 52-56, 2018
ELSEM-Net, a network of ground-based telemetric stations for the monitoring of fracture-induced electromagnetic emissions in Greece: Instrumentation, management and analysis of …
P Malkotsis, N Papadopoulos, DZ Politis, D Dimakos, M Exarhos, ...
Annals of Geophysics 66 (6), SE638-SE638, 2023
Multi-parametric study of seismogenic anomalies during the 2021 Crete earthquake (M= 6.0)
S Sasmal, S Chowdhury, S Kundu, S Ghosh, D Politis, S Potirakis, ...
Annals of Geophysics 66 (6), SE646-SE646, 2023
An amateur-radio-based open-source (HW/SW) VLF/LF receiver for lower ionosphere monitoring, examples of identified perturbations
F Malkotsis, DZ Politis, D Dimakos, SM Potirakis
Foundations 2 (3), 639-663, 2022
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